The nutrition and effect of different fruits

1. Grape
Almost everyone would shed grape skins and seeds when eating grapes. In fact, the skin and seeds of the grape are more nutritious than the pulp. The reason why the sanitary effect of red wine is better than that of white wine is because red wine is fermented with the skin of the grape. Experts at the University of Bordeaux in France have also found that grape seeds contain a wealth of nutrients that can enhance human immunity and slow the aging process. After these nutrients enter the human body, 85% of them can be effectively absorbed and used.

2. Lychee
Lychee has the effect of promoting the secretion of saliva and body fluids, enhancing human intelligence, nourishing the kidney, beautifying the skin, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine also believes that eating lychee often can promote blood circulation and is good for human health.

3. Longan
Longan has a sweet taste. It has many health care effects, such as improving appetite, nourishing the spleen, promoting blood circulation, calming nerves, improving human intelligence, etc. As a result, it can be said that it is one of the best and healthiest fruits for human beings.

4. Pineapple
Pineapple pulp contains a unique enzyme that can break down proteins. As a result, if you have eaten a lot of meat dishes, you can have a few slices of fresh pineapple, which is very helpful for digestion and absorption.

5. Durian
Durian is rich in protein and lipids, which have a good effect of nourishing the body. It is a good source of nutrition. Durian has a special smell, which has the effect of stimulating the appetite. Additionally, the dietary fiber contained in durian can also promote bowel movements.

6. Dragon fruit
Dragon fruit is not only very nutritious, it also has great effects on human health. It contains vegetable albumin and anthocyanin, which are rarely present in other plants. Albumin is a kind of sticky and gelatinous substance, which has a detoxifying effect on poisoning caused by heavy metals. In addition, it is also rich in various types of vitamins and soluble fiber.

7. Peach
Peach can remove summer heat and quench thirst, remove heat, and moisten the lung. As a result, it is very suitable for lung patients. The peach is very nutritious. It contains a variety of vitamins, pectin, calcium, phosphorus, and other mineral salts. In addition, it is especially rich in iron, making it an ideal fruit for patients with iron deficiency anemia.

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