The difference between formal and informal writing

When it comes to writing in English, there are two main styles of writing: formal and informal. Consider these two examples:

Example 1:

This is to inform you that your book has been rejected by our publisher because it did not meet the required standards. In case you want us to reconsider it, we suggest you review it and make any necessary changes.

Example 2:
You know that book I wrote? Well, the publisher turned it down. They thought it was horrible. But hey, I did the best I could, and I think it was great. I’m not going to redo it like they said I should.

The difference between the two is obvious. The first is formal and the second is informal. But what is it that makes them formal and informal?

It is the style of writing, or the way we use words to say what we want to say. Different situations call for different ways of putting words together. The way we write in academic and scientific settings is very different from the way we write to a friend or someone close. The tone, the vocabulary and the syntax all change as the occasion changes. This difference in writing styles is the difference between formal and informal, or the difference between formal and informal writing.

The following is a list of some of the main differences between informal and formal writing:

Informal: you can use colloquial words/expressions (kids, boy, amazing, a lot, etc.)

Formal: Avoid the use of colloquial words/expressions (replace them with children, man/boy, wonderful, many, etc.)

Informal: You can use contractions (can’t, won’t, shouldn’t, etc.).

Formal: Avoid contractions (write the complete words: can, will not, should not, etc.).

Informal: You can use first, second or third person.

Formal: Write in the third person (except in business letters where the first person may be used).

Informal: You can use clichés (many, conspicuous by their absence, etc.)

Formal: Avoid clichés (use many, was absent, etc.)

Informal: You can address readers using second person pronouns (you, your, etc.)

Formal: Avoid addressing readers using second person pronouns (use one, one’s, the reader, the reader’s, etc.)

Informal: you can use abbreviated words (photo, TV, etc.)

Formal: avoid using abbreviated words (use full versions, such as photography, television, etc.)

Informal: you can use the imperative voice (eg, remember…)

Formal: Avoid the imperative voice (use Please refer to…)

Informal: you can use the active voice (eg, we have notice that…)

Formal: Use the passive voice (ex. It has been noticed that…)

Informal: You can use short and simple sentences.

Formal: Longer, more complex sentences are preferred (short, simple sentences reflect poorly on the writer)

Informal: you can recognize the difficulty of the topic and show empathy to the reader.

Formal: State your points with confidence and offer strong support for your argument.

These are just some of the differences between formal and informal writing. The main thing to remember is that both are correct, it’s just a matter of pitch and setup. Formal English is mainly used for academic writing and business communications, while informal English is informal and appropriate for communicating with friends and others close to you. Choose your writing style keeping in mind what you are writing and for whom. But whatever style you write in, formal or informal, be sure to stay consistent—don’t mix the two.

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