How to get an appointment the easiest way

There’s no reason to be ashamed to admit if you’re having trouble getting a date. The truth is that most men are expected to know how to do these things, but it’s not that easy. They never taught us how to talk to women, or how to attract women, or even how to get a date. So remember, if you’re feeling a bit lost with this whole idea of ​​getting a date, this should be it. It’s totally normal.

We all know that there are guys out there who can approach a girl without any fear and 5 minutes later they have a date scheduled for later in the week. And if you really give this part of your life the attention it deserves, you too can learn and master that skill. But we’re not worried about those super ninja tactics those guys use.

Instead, in this short article I’m going to share solid techniques that will get the job done when you master them.

So the first thing to remember is that you should never appear as if you are desperate. It is true that women can sense despair in a man and it is not attractive at all. So whatever she says and does while she’s talking to you should never seem like a big deal. You should always look like you are in control of her and not too concerned about impressing her.

In other words, you want to show him that you don’t care if he likes you. You’re just looking for some conversation. And because of this attitude you will not try to impress her or kiss her. If she wants you to buy her a drink and you do, it shows her that you’re trying to like her. The biggest piece of advice I can give you here is to make the word no your best friend.

It will be hard the first few times you do it with a beautiful girl you just met. But saying no to a stunning woman has incredible power. She hardly ever hears that word from men. She only hears it from people who don’t want anything from her and people she respects. Then she will respect you immediately when you are man enough to say no to her.

When it comes to asking for the date, it’s really about not making a big deal out of it. It’s more like. Hey I enjoyed your company, would love to meet up again sometime and hang out, if you’re interested that’s great, if not that’s great too. This gives her the idea that no matter what she says, your life will go on. And when you say that, don’t wait for her to reply, she just changes the subject and talks about something else like nothing.

So when you’re about to leave, just ask him, are we ever going to meet? If she says yes, stay calm and take her number. If she says no, just stay calm and keep the smile on your face and then just tell her great. Tell her have a nice day and it was nice talking to her and go.

It’s that easy. You just have to realize that if he says yes, it’s not a big deal and if he says no, it’s not a big deal either. So just do it.

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