How to create an effective authoring platform

Every author needs an author platform to lean on if they are going to get media attention. No, an author platform is not a box to stand on, but it will help an author stand out among their peers and separate the experts and credible authors from the amateurs. An author platform is more like an enhanced resume that provides your credentials and helps publishers and the media see that you are professional, experienced, good at promoting yourself and promoting your book and topic of interest without being selfish. and generally you know what you’re doing.

The benefits of having an author platform are many. It will help you get noticed and appear as an expert to editors, media and readers. Think of the author platform as your credentials. It should be an ever-evolving document or list of your accomplishments, marketing successes, and strategies for continuing to promote yourself and your work.

Below is a list of qualifiers (proof that you are a notch above others) that you should include on your platform. Remember, you should have the vast majority of these on your platform. It is not enough to have a website, although that is a starting point:

· Website:Your website should include at least the following pages: Home, About the Author, Buy the Book, Your Blog, and a Media Kit page. Anything extra, like interviews, FAQs, or just fun pages with games or quizzes, or extra stories, or information about the book, is a bonus.

· Previous publishing experiences:Not just a list of the books you’ve published, but also your success stories: sales numbers, awards won, number of prints or editions, etc.

· Speaking Commitments:One good thing you can do is keep a journal or record of every event you do, from speaking at your local Rotary club to presenting at a national conference on the topic of your book. Publishers and the media want people who are not afraid to speak in public.

· Workshops: Have you facilitated or participated in any workshops related to your book or topic?

· Attendance at Conferences, Events, High-profile Workshops:Even if you weren’t a leader at an event, showing that you attended is proof that you’re serious about keeping up with your field of study and changes in the media and publishing world.

· Your online presence: How do you reach readers online? Your authoring platform includes your blog, newsletter, email lists, social media, podcasts, videos, and online publications such as articles and book reviews.

· Readings and book signings:How often do you involve the public face-to-face in promoting your work? Where have you had book signings, readings, or participated in author group events?

· Online forum:Do you have any way to attract your readers online? It could be a Facebook page for your book, a discussion group on your website, or a mailing list group on your topic.

· Training/Consulting:Have you been a trainer or consultant in your field of specialization individually or for any organization that needs it?

· Memberships:What professional organizations do you belong to in relation to your topic and publication? How involved have you been with these organizations, helping to coordinate an event or serving on the organization’s board of directors?

· Press dossier for the media:Your press kit should be available for download from your website for media perusal, as well as be in a format that you can mail. A press kit should include a press release for your book, a sell sheet, your book cover/image, an author page, testimonials or reviews of your book, and a copy of your book or a chapter of your book. displays at a minimum, depending on whether it’s on your website or if you’re mailing a copy.

· Appearances in traditional media:Any television or radio appearances you have made, as well as being interviewed or featured in magazines and newspapers.

· Internet media appearances:Have you been a guest on someone else’s blog? Have you been interviewed on Blog Talk Radio or other internet radio podcast shows?

· Publications:Beyond books, have you published articles or short stories in magazines, newspapers, or anthologies?

· Source Contacts:Who is paying attention to you as an author? How many followers do you have on social media? Who is commenting on your blog? What is your website traffic? How many people are on your email list? Who is liking your pages and how many reviews are readers posting on online bookstores?

· Target audiences:Who is your target audience? What connections do you have with them, what kind of proven track record do you have, and what plans do you have for future interactions?

It may seem like having an author platform is a lot of work, but if you simply keep track of everything you do and are actively promoting your book, it will be more like keeping a journal of your experiences. Sure, you have to build the website, go to conferences, participate in events, but it’s all fun and worth it if you’re passionate about your book, and your passion will set you apart from other authors.

Today, an authoring platform is less about proving to a publisher that your book deserves to be published and that you’re helping to market it. While you can still use it to find a publisher, it’s more about getting media attention, whether you’re a self-published or traditionally published author. Your platform may be what convinces the media to interview or feature you, which in turn will make readers take notice and buy your books.

These are some of the benefits that come from having an authoring platform ready:

· Demonstrates an author’s visibility and credibility as a professional author.

· Provides recognition and experience that will make the media take notice and publicize you in the future.

· Reflects that an author is authentic and not just selfish; all of his activities have not only been to sell his books, but also to share information and help others, such as participating in events and conferences.

· Allows the media and others to make a quick decision on your expertise when they need an expert for a story, a guest for a radio show, or a speaker at a conference.

Think of your authoring platform as your enhanced resume and credentials. Constantly working to improve your authoring platform and having it ready when needed will increase your chances of getting noticed, getting noticed in the media, and ultimately selling more books.

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