Can Colon Cleanse Really Help Me Lose Weight?

Colon cleansing is a process that involves the destruction and removal of toxins and impurities from the digestive system and colon. Two of the most common questions I have heard regarding colon cleansing is “So how exactly do I know if I need a colon cleanse?” and “How Can Colon Cleanse Help Me Lose Weight”? To effectively answer these two questions, it is necessary to fully understand the digestion process and the effects it has on the body.

How do I know if I need a colon cleanse?

Every day we consume food to nourish our bodies and live. Most of the foods we consume on a daily basis are processed, injected with steroids, artificially flavored, and chemically altered in some way. However, we can go for days and eat these foods with little or no obvious consequence on our body. Or so we think. Doctors suggest that it is healthy for a person to have at least one or two bowel movements a day. If you are in this crowd, congratulations, because you are a member of a group that is dying out. Doctors also say that, on average, most people have movements every 3 to 4 days. These people really believe that having a bowel movement every 3 to 4 days is “normal.” So what exactly do you think happens to all that food you eat over the course of 3-4 days? Where do toxins and waste end up?

Well, I’ll tell you. Does not go anywhere. These wastes marinate in your colon while devouring tissues and hampering your body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Your body literally becomes unable to use all the vitamins and minerals that are consumed during each meal. Over time, these wastes can turn into destructive bacteria that can cause fatigue, gastrointestinal problems, unhealthy-looking skin, and even cancer. Some people have 4 to 5 undigested meals in their intestines right now.

What are the side effects of colon cleansing?

Whether you decide to visit a specialist for a colon or use an over-the-counter method, the side effects will vary. While some may experience the inconvenience of going to the bathroom every 10 seconds, others may experience weakness, nausea, body aches, bloating, acne, and more. When cleaning, keep in mind that your colon will be completely washed out. This includes good bacteria, so it will take time for your body to regain balance.

How Can Colon Cleanse Help Me Lose Weight?

When considering a weight loss cleanse, some can expect to see a drop of up to 20 pounds (this will definitely vary from person to person). The weight lost is not necessarily fat, rather, it is the weight of toxins removed from the body. That being said, with a clean colon and a healthy diet plan, your body can now start to make great use of the good nutrients it returns. Combine that with an exercise plan and you’ll be on the fast track to shedding the pounds and discovering a healthier person.

Visits to a specialist can be quite expensive. So if you decide to go for an over-the-counter method, keep in mind that oxygen-based colon cleansing products, like Colon Ox, are the most affordable solution recommended by doctors.

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