Winter health tips for kids

With winters come the flu, coughs, fevers, and all those nasty illnesses. All the winter fun is ruined when your kids get sick. There are multiple reasons why children are more vulnerable to getting sick faster than adults and one of them is their weak immune system. Children, especially toddlers and preschoolers, are sensitive and need extra care. Here, in this post, I am going to tell you five ways to protect your children in winter.

1. Give them enough sleep
When winter comes, children get excited and hyperactive. They just want to get out and play in the snow or with the school yard team. Just like other seasons, your little ones also need the right amount of sleep in winter to stay healthy.

Also, our bodies inevitably need more sleep as the days get shorter and the nights get longer. However, children need it more than adults, so make them get enough sleep during winters.

2. Keep them hydrated
Children don’t usually feel thirsty during winters, but their bodies need a sufficient amount of water to stay hydrated and function properly. Children almost forget to drink water throughout the day and this makes them sick very quickly. Keep a 1.5 bottle for each child and have them finish it throughout the day. Make it a challenge for them and promise chocolates or their favorite snacks for whoever finishes first.

3. Seasonal foods
Nature provides us with food according to seasonal demands. These fruits are given to us by nature according to seasonal needs. With the cold breeze outside in winters, we need to stay warm inside and these foods do that for us. All foods should be cooked before eating to get the best taste and nutrition intake. Your little ones will be healthy and warm and their energy reserves will be replenished if you feed them seasonal foods.

4. Additional vitamins
While vitamins are needed year-round, they are required in greater amounts during winters, when illnesses are likely to attract due to slow-functioning immune systems. Vitamins, especially vitamin D, help strengthen a child’s immune system, which, in turn, helps fight disease. Give them enough exposure to sunlight or vitamin D3 supplements to cover the deficiency. In addition, vitamin C is also necessary to strengthen the immune system, so make sure you feed them vitamin-rich foods in winter.

5. Wash your hands
It is not only for winters, but for all times of the year. However, you need to be stricter in winters due to cold and flu and your children are likely to pick up infections. Make it a habit and don’t let them come to the dining room table if they don’t wash their hands, especially if they were playing on the playground structures. When you teach them to wash their hands, also tell them the reason and importance of doing it.

So, are you ready to protect your kids from infections this winter by following the tips above?

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