Walking an Adventure with Nature

I love hiking up to the huge mountains, the forts and the fascinating dense forests. Your fate must depend on your taste and reasoning. Reasoning means where do you want to go and for what reason do you want to go? Whether you want to just relax or go on an adventurous journey.

There are some basic principles you can follow to make your trekking experience a memorable one. First decide where you want to go and how long you want to be outdoors, a whole week, a weekend, or just a day. This will help you for further preparations. The length of the trek will decide how much gear you need to take with you.

Physical fitness is a very essential element when deciding on a hiking holiday. Before a walk you have to train and get in shape. You have to test your mental and physical ability before deciding on a hike. A correct attitude and determination are very essential elements when you want to walk. Based on your ability, attitude, and determination, you can decide how much of a challenge you’re ready to take on. Always keep in mind that when you’re on a long hike, there will be little or no transportation to get you back to civilization.

A walk is totally different from a walk. A hike is a walk in the open air for a day or two and the path or trail on a hike is well defined, while a hike requires demanding walking and the path or trail may or may not be defined. While hiking, the surroundings are often unknown and trails uncertain. You will need a map and compass to navigate if you are on a hike. So every time you evaluate yourself, be practical and realistic. Also include members in your group wisely.

A hike can be divided into three general grades: easy, moderate, and difficult. These grades may differ depending on the fitness level and disposition of individuals. What one person finds easy may be difficult for another. So easy, moderate, and hard are relative terms that can change from person to person. Along with the distance, the level of difficulty of a hike depends on the type of topography, elevation, and climbs. In addition, the weather is another important factor. A hike can be easy in the winter, but can be challenging in the summer. Not all walks can be done in a given season. Some hikes are possible in summer and others in winter. Not all walks can be done all year round.

An easy hike has well defined trails and they are not very physically demanding. They are just for fun and relaxation. Also, they are close to civilization and you can easily return if the need arises. Basic food and assistance from the locals are usually readily available. Anyone who hikes regularly and is in generally good shape can try an easy hike.

For moderate hikes, you need to push yourself a little beyond your comfort zone. The grounds are narrower and more demanding. They require a significant amount of uphill walking and some climbing, albeit not a technical climb. While on a moderate hike, you are far from civilization with no easy escape routes. On many moderate hikes, you may need to be independent regarding food, water, and other emergency supplies such as medication and first aid. Walking alone would not be enough for a moderate hike. Exercising along with walking can help you build endurance and strength for moderate walking. Some training is required if you want to go for a moderate hike.

Difficult or challenging hikes are those that require extremely high energy levels and endurance. They require great physical condition, training and previous trekking experience. These hikes are not for the inexperienced or the beginner. These hikes require long uphill walks in challenging environments and conditions. They demand your endurance and determination. The area is mostly inaccessible and deserted, so hikers must be self-sufficient and prepared to face harsh conditions. Hikers may have to walk on ice or water; they may have to deal with high winds and rain or extreme cold or heat depending on the weather.

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