Using Water To Improve Gas Mileage: Discover The Secrets Of HHO

As gas prices continue to rise, thousands of people are beginning to discover that they can cut their gas bill in half by using water to improve gas mileage. While there are many “fuel saving devices” and “fuel saving” additives on the market, many people get frustrated when they don’t see improvements. It turns out that we have only just begun to find a valuable fuel source hidden in the most abundant natural resource on earth: water.

How can a car run on water?

Using water to improve gas mileage is not a complicated concept. It is a well-known fact that hydrogen is a powerful fuel source, but until new technology emerges, it is not very practical for the average person to have a 100% hydrogen-powered car. However, there IS a practical solution, and that is to use a simple home-made device to convert water into a special gas known as HHO. HHO gas is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen that you can use to supplement gasoline in any vehicle, and since you are only supplementing gasoline, there is no need to modify the engine.

So can I build this myself?

That’s how it is! People all over the world are building and installing these hydrogen-based gas savers in their vehicles, and they use water to improve gas mileage. The whole process is pretty simple, and generally all you’ll need are the following parts:

  • Some kind of reservoir to hold the water. Jars are commonly used for this.
  • Wired for power. You will need to run a current of electricity through the water to generate the HHO gas.
  • Small amount of tubing to carry the gas from the reservoir to the engine.
  • And some other small parts, like anything you might need to mount the tank under the hood of your vehicle.

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