The Esoteric Teachings of Ancient Wisdom – Part One

The Ancient Wisdom Teachings, which have been around for several thousand years, are esoteric and mystical in nature, as they are not limited to the dogmas and doctrines created by religious theologians throughout history. Religions represent humanity’s search for God, while mysticism is the experience of a seeker of God. Religion is based on faith and belief, which is the first phase of the journey; however, mysticism is experiential spirituality, the second phase of the journey. Too often, seekers get stuck in a holding pattern in the first phase and never move up to the next level. This next level is where true spiritual growth takes place, where our search for Divine Union occurs.

The word “esoteric” for the uninformed is always misunderstood. The new aspirant often understands the esoteric as hidden or secret teachings excluded from a select few. This is a naive perspective, as this is the most commonly accepted interpretation. The idea that the higher teachings must be strictly hidden is a common misconception, seen more in practice by the secret schools than by its real nature. In fact, this concept is an exoteric explanation of the most esoteric reality, which is considered the great mysteries of the ages.

The Greater Mysteries are esoteric not only because secret societies and mystical schools have concealed their advanced teachings, which has been the common practice even in ancient times, but because ultimately the true Wisdom of God’s Truth is beyond human intellect. Genuine Truth can only be realized and experienced in the heart and soul; however, the mind will become enlightened in the process and understanding will increase. The fact is that the person who is not awakened simply will not be able to understand these deeper teachings, therefore he rejects them. Often the unenlightened will become aggressive in their rejection and skepticism, for they often tend to ridicule students of such esoteric teachings. This is the most common reason why mystery schools and Gnostic groups have hidden their teachings, due to persecution from outsiders. The most typical raiders of the esoteric schools were staunch orthodox religious communities who accused them of heresy, particularly the Roman Catholic Church in the Middle Ages which started the Inquisition and its horrible acts of persecution. Too often members of these mystical groups were alleged to be inspired by Satan or the forces of evil, despite their sincere claims to be servants of God or followers of Jesus Christ. Thus, such schools would be forced to withdraw from the public, move underground, or scatter to the four winds. They spread their wisdom teachings in secret, quite often disguising them with dark allegories and symbolism. Some schools told mystical stories wrapped in deep symbolism that only the enlightened would understand, a tool that Jesus Christ used in his parables to his disciples. Another example of this is the vehicle of the Tarot cards. Only Initiates trained in esoteric teachings could decipher the true meaning and hidden meaning hidden beneath the elaborate symbols and archetypes of these mystical and archaic cards. The exoteric and esoteric levels are found within the hidden cards, therefore an excellent example of what mystics called the Greater and Lesser Mysteries. The Kabbalah is yet another example, and has also been used as the basis for the Tarot system.

We no longer live in the Dark Ages, although many people and schools continue to have the stubborn attitude of firmly hiding the mysteries in practice and belief. However, we believe, in this current era of the New Enlightenment, that it is time for the Mysteries to be revealed. They have been artificially hidden for too long now. However, we have no intention of “throwing pearls to pigs”, but those who are not interested in the Ancient Wisdom Teachings will not bother with them. Yes, there are the persecutors of all ages, and we must deal with them accordingly. In most civilized countries, this is not as extreme as in ages past, when the concealment of the Mysteries was a common practice. Humanity in general was very closed minded to any out of the ordinary teaching, therefore barbaric means of torture and persecution were produced. There is no longer any need for the severe armoring of the Wisdom Teachings, because the mind of the human being has been continuously opening in the last centuries. Through investigations, experiments and discoveries, the advancement of Science has revealed to people extensive knowledge that the ancient mystics already knew or presumed. Certain discoveries or insights that were once considered occult or esoteric science have been revealed in our educational systems and have now become commonplace, such as certain items found in the fields of astronomy, physics, biology, arithmetic, music etc However, not everything has been shown yet. The Ancient Wisdom Teachings in many of their higher aspects are still kept silent by the Initiates and Masters of various mystical schools. Those aspirants who seek it will find it. The true teachings of the Ancient Wisdom, by their very nature, will separate the wheat from the chaff, for only the diligent seekers and the enlightened will be able to comprehend the inner truth, because they are better prepared and more receptive. Any seeker who seeks will find, and when he finds the truth, he will be released.

Often it is the Lesser Mysteries that are publicly taught, the exoteric level of the Ancient Wisdom. The Greater Mysteries are usually reserved for the Initiates and Adepts, because the inner Wisdom is revealed internally. For example, the deeper realities of the Esoteric Initiations are reserved for those who have recently been initiated through the gates of Higher Wisdom, because they have begun to understand and experience these higher realities. Once this initiate progresses further through spiritual development, realizing the Divine Self within, he too can teach and initiate others. Using the symbology of the ancient Tabernacle, the Neophyte studies in the outer court, the Initiate practices in the second court or holy place, and the Priest and Master (or High Priest) reside in the Holy of Holies, where these adepts teach and teach. initiate students. This is the basic framework found in most Mystery Schools.

In certain schools of occultism in past ages, members had to take a death oath to prevent them from speaking of the Higher Teachings of their inner circle to the unenlightened. There are reports that some broke their oath and wrote or taught others, for which they suffered the consequences. Clearly, this death oath is too drastic a measure and totally unnecessary. We are thankful that times change for the better. In this present age of the Enlightened Mind, we declare that you must teach the Teachings, in order to spread the Word to all who receive it. However, we believe, as St. Paul does, that we must give the beginner milk, then soft food, and finally strong meat. This is the delivery of the Lesser Mysteries first, then the Greater Mysteries. Concerning this, Saint Paul said: “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as spiritual, but as carnal, as infants in Christ. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat; for until now you were unable to bear it, nor are you now.” 1 Corinthians 3:1-2

It may seem paradoxical to state that we must teach the Higher Teachings, and then say that we must not throw pearls to pigs. That is why we offer all the Lesser Mysteries, which are doors to what follows, because the Greater Mysteries will follow when the seeker becomes a true Initiate. It would be unwise to directly teach deeper principles to the unenlightened, but first we must give them milk. First we prepare the way with digestible teachings, and then we give you the deeper realities when you are ready. In this way we are not hiding the teachings, but simply presenting a step by step process.

In past ages, there were two reasons for hiding the Esoteric Teachings. The first was due to the unenlightened minds of the people in general, who were insensitive and skeptical or unprepared and unable to comprehend deeper truths. The second involved the continual persecutions of the schools of wisdom. Through spiritual evolution, the mind of humanity has matured to a certain point, thousands of years ago, where it can now receive the higher teachings. The sincere aspirant can more easily receive the deepest wisdom and, likewise, the barbaric and extreme means of persecution in civilized countries are practically non-existent now. We cannot speak for all the nations of this world, because we can only say that the general change covers many lands and many peoples.

Genuine Esoteric Teachings are not usually found in the conventional educational system; however, if you are intuitively perceptive, you may find bits scattered here and there in certain college courses or other areas of life, if you know where to look. That is, certain clues that seem like blinds or even vague clues will be revealed to the intuitive seeker. You can discover universal principles in physics and the science of the atom; or realize that the building blocks of creation are in geometry and mathematics; or reveal a deeper science of mind and soul in psychology; or explore cosmic realities in astronomy; or witness that the study of human anatomy reveals the living alchemical laboratory of the physical body. These are simple examples and are just the tip of the iceberg.

There will come a day when these deeper teachings will not be isolated only from mystery schools or secret fraternities, but will become commonplace and found in universities or other educational systems. Certain instructors or professors, even now, who are enlightened, can subtly teach the Teachings of Truth through their courses, but in a veiled manner, just as Jesus spoke the parables to the multitudes, because there were many who could not hear the mysteries. deeper. Such educators know that they cannot teach these realities openly, lest they be scorned by their administrators or students alike. The orthodox educational system continues to grow and will expand its parameters in due time.

Regardless, we have in fact evolved spiritually and mentally for several thousand years, this cannot be denied. But we still have a long way to go, because greed, mistrust, hate, and war still thrive in this world. However, the Ancient Wisdom Teachings have spread further throughout the world, being revealed with far fewer restrictions than in past ages, be it through the media, such as television and radio, the Internet, literature , CD and DVD, or simply given by gurus. and teachers of this time. Currently, there are many ways to reveal these teachings, and our minds are opening even more. Therefore, the awakening and enlightenment of more people becomes more frequent than ever before.

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