The 5 easiest ways to lose weight without dieting

The diet is often considered a time of sacrifice and misery. When you hear the word diet, you’re most likely thinking negatively, like, “I can’t eat that” or “I can’t do that.” The word diet conjures up all sorts of images associated with depriving yourself and having to maintain a rigid exercise program, which is why so many of us give up before reaching our weight loss goals. The defeatist attitude that comes with the word diet sabotages most of us and needs to be changed. It’s time for a new approach to weight loss that gets you motivated. Yes, you have to make some sacrifices if you want to lose weight, but you don’t have to sacrifice everything, not even diet in the traditional sense. Here are the easiest ways to lose weight without dieting:

1. Do not eat at night: This is one of the easiest ways to cut calories and lose weight, but most of us overlook it. Late night snack is one of the worst items to have if you are trying to lose weight. You can add empty calories to your diet and not only keep you from losing weight, but also make it gain. We tend to eat high-fat, high-calorie foods after dinner, such as ice cream or French fries, and we usually do so while sitting in front of the television. This is a bad combination because the TV distracts you and you end up eating more. Be sure to pick a time when your kitchen is closed (no later than 7pm is ideal) and then stick to it. You should always consider opting for healthy habits to lose weight.

2. Don’t drink your calories: This is another way to quickly cut calories without even realizing it. Whether you’re drinking soda or fruit juice, both are the same because they’re full of sugar, which can lead to excessive weight gain. The worst part is that you gain weight and are still hungry because the drinks don’t fill you up. Save your calories for your meals and learn to drink low-calorie drinks. Try water, flavored water, sparkling water, or low-calorie vegetable juices. This also applies to alcoholic beverages. If you drink wine with meals, try to limit it to weekends only, or cut back to 2 glasses to 1.

3. Add protein to your diet: Adding foods like lean protein to your diet will make you feel like you’re not on a diet even though you really are. Protein makes you feel full, so you’re less likely to overeat or snack between meals. Add some protein to each meal to keep hunger at bay and feel full.
Healthy proteins you can use include: low-fat yogurt, peanut butter, eggs, beans, nuts, and lean meats. Nuts and peanut butter contain higher levels of fat, and although it is a healthy fat, you should keep your portions small.

4. Control your environment: Bottom line, keep your house stocked with good-for-you foods, not candy. You can’t eat cookies if they’re not there. Stock your pantry with healthy foods you love or low-calorie versions you can’t do without. Sugar-free gelatins and puddings, as well as frozen yogurts, are great for satisfying your sweet spot, but even they can add weight if you eat too much, so don’t save too many and buy individual serving packs for portion control. Also, if you’re at a party, it’s okay to treat yourself, just control it. For example, if you’re at a barbecue, eat a hamburger, but don’t leave it. Also, please wait at least 15 minutes before going back to the buffet table. You will feel fuller and eat less.

5. Eat a little less: If you really don’t want to give up certain foods, you don’t have to: cut back on how much you eat and you can still lose a considerable amount of weight. Now, this is not true for snacks and desserts: if you eat cake every night you will not lose weight, but if you apply this rule to your regular meals, it can make a world of difference. For example: At dinner, eat just one bowl of pasta if you normally have two, or eat half a steak instead of a full one. You will reduce calories and see results.

These simple tips will help you change your approach to weight loss and be more successful. You can enjoy the foods you love and lose weight – you just have to be smart about it. Moderation and some simple adjustments can make you lose weight without even trying.

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