Sponsor a child in Africa for less than a dollar a day

Do you know that there are thousands of children dying of hunger every second?

Before you continue reading, try to estimate how much is life worth to you? Maybe $100, $1000, a million or even more. Could it be that your life has no price, or can you put a price on it?…

We are used to putting a price on everything, but when it comes to our own existence, we hesitate and don’t even know where to start. How can we evaluate such a thing, life itself, our personal existence?

But then, when it comes to the life of a Third World child, it’s so easy to know, your life is worth exactly less than a dollar a day…

Think about it, with less than a dollar a day, a child’s life could be saved and you could be the one to save it.

Think about it, every time you go out drinking, you spend an amount that could buy a child a month of life, no less. For the price of a single can of coke, you could buy a starving child in Africa her life for a whole day. Sad but true!

The Sponsor a Child program allows you to do the greatest thing you’ve ever done: save a child’s life and donate their tomorrow.

With your donation a new hope is born for an African/Asian/South American child. He is no longer hungry, he can drink fresh water and get medicine if he is sick, and his bed is waiting for him every night. This amount could even prevent you from getting HIV in the future. Also, with your daily dollar you will send him to school and give him the tools to build his own future.

You could be the one who made it all possible for him, on less than a dollar a day.

What’s more, with $40 a month, a little more, you could be the godfather of a whole family. Just over a dollar a day is enough to provide clean water, food, healthcare, better housing, education, and even the tools to start a new business. Your help means life for them, nothing less than a miracle, a salvation.

If you earn more than you need for yourself and your family, adopt a younger brother, a defenseless child, and give him a life. For less than $1 a day…

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