Overcoming symptoms of panic attacks

Panic attacks, or symptoms of panic attacks, are not the easiest things to overcome and many of us feel like we are trapped in this prison cell with no escape.

I remember, when I was going through a panic attack, one thing I will always remember is fear or the feeling of total isolation.

However, remember that you are not alone and that many people suffer from panic attacks, in fact you realize, they claim that the signs of anxiety attacks in women are more common than in men.

I would always believe that when I was going through a panic attack …

That my heart was about to stop

Or that my lungs would stop working

Or that I was going to pass out!

Insanity, panic, shame, and the feeling of being out of control set in.

So what did I do to overcome this feeling of external despair?

Well, first of all, I took a look at the foods that would possibly increase this feeling of hopelessness and made sure to reduce or even discontinue those types of foods or liquids in my daily diet.

The top three anxiety-producing foods that definitely made things worse for me were:



And caffeine

They are all quick to “get up” and, in the long run, they always do you more harm than good.

Sugar can cause lactic acid to build up in the bloodstream, and high levels of this can increase panic attacks in men or women.

Drinking alcohol is a forbidden zone. Although it may calm you down, it is only a temporary measure and after the alcohol levels drop in your blood, the real panic and anxiety attacks begin!

And just like sugar and alcohol, caffeine sends you back on a short-term trip that’s a good feeling and gets you going, but again as caffeine levels drop, your mood and things go back to the way they were before. And therefore none of the above are true or real anxiety remedies.

Now, for me, medication was always not a beginning, I refused to get involved with antidepressants, I was not going to get hooked on drugs and take a path of no return.

The only way forward for me that has worked and made me overcome that fear was through three key elements.

One way to participate in exercise and there are so many relaxation techniques for anxiety, being the best in my opinion Yoga.

I also read and found some useful tools and articles on the internet that had to do exactly with how to overcome anxiety and panic attacks.

Remedies for anxiety including, for example, Yoga, which I have already mentioned and, of course, the most important: breathing.

I soon realized that this terrible feeling of utter despair was in the mind and it was a case of mind over matter.

Please put into practice what I have told you and realize symptoms of panic disorder can be cured.

Never give up and remember that you are not alone in the fight to cure panic attacks.

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