Million Dollar Minds: Success Leaves a Trail

How many of you reading this have had a conversation with a millionaire? How many of you have paid good money just to go listen to a millionaire as he reveals how he got started in life and how he built great wealth out of poverty? How many of you reading this have found a millionaire as your mentor?

Well, I can answer yes to all those questions, can you?

The most important lesson I have learned is that success opens a path. You won’t find it in any forum where failed marketers go and complain about the latest scam or promise that got “broken” or in circles where others go to complain about the latest program or project that didn’t work … Hey, I was there , I shared thoughts with some of the people there and do you know what it taught me? If I surrounded myself with people who have had negative experiences, I tended to adopt the same mindset.

Mindset: now there is a fascinating word! Mindset: what does it mean to you?

I can tell you what happened to me, to change my mind … I went to a seminar and for the first time I heard a guy named Pat Mesiti on stage. I was blown away! As I listened, rooted in the story of his life and the fact that he survived childhood against all odds, to become a millionaire and a life coach, the penny fell … I suddenly realized why he had spent more than he had spent. earned trying to market online!

Then I went and listened to the others, live at whatever seminar I could find. I even bought overdue DVDs of seminars that I had missed, just to hear the mindset of these millionaires.

I learned that success leaves a trace. BUT, and it’s a big BUT, unless you dive down that path, you’ll get off track so easily, go round in circles, and find yourself back on those same forums … You can’t play a millionaire, you have to do what they do every day, and I mean every day. Immerse yourself in everything they have to say. Watch your DVDs over and over again. Listen, take notes, and more notes.

As Pat Mesiti says “Change this” (pointing to his head) “Touch this” (pointing to his heart) “Feel this” (the first two fingers and the thumb make the old gesture of received money).

Here are some quotes that I have posted on my bulletin board and in other places where I will see them (you have it) every day:

“If I want to be free, it has to be me; the main thing is to keep the main thing as the main thing” (Bob Proctor) “A life, it’s about lifestyle, how are you going to spend it?” (BP)

“When some people’s hearts stop beating, it’s just a formality and they don’t even know it” Earl Nightingale) “If most people said they were thinking, they would be speechless”

“If you want to learn to fly a plane, don’t go to the dentist” (BP)

“There is a difference between WISHING for a thing and being READY to receive it. No one is ready for a thing, until they believe they can acquire it. The state of mind should be BELIEF, not mere hope or desire. Open-mindedness is essential to faith. Closed minds do not inspire faith, courage, or belief. Remember, it takes no more effort to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity, than it does to accept misery and poverty. ” (Napoleon Hill – Think and Grow Rich)

They remind me:

  • Demand RICH in specific terms
  • HAVE specific plans to get rich
  • COMMIT in the realization of your plan
  • GIVE the equivalent in service to the value of those riches that you have demanded

“We think in frequencies – thought is energy – that penetrates time and space – make a decision and you rise to the right level and the” how “automatically follows” BP

“In times of change, students will inherit the earth, while scholars will find themselves wonderfully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists” Eric Hoffer

What is the main cause of my results? Why is there such a big difference in the results that people sometimes experience in life? What is holding most people back?
The answer is “paradigms”

“To ignore the power of paradigms to influence your judgment is to put yourself at risk when exploring the future” Joel Barker author of ‘paradigms’

“There is only one corner of the universe in which you can be sure to improve and that is yourself” Aldus Huxley

I have many more, but there would not be space in this small article to write them all. And maybe they are not what strikes a chord with you. But, if you find some words that inspire them, write them down, cut them out, paste them where you see them every day. The point is, to change, we have to remind ourselves every day why we want to change: these snippets help us remember that we have now set our goals higher than before and that we have the will to do so.

When Kennedy asked, “What does it take to go to the moon, land a man, and bring him back safely to earth again?” Dr. Werner Von Braun responded in 5 simple words: “The will to do it!”

You know what your car is like … you know what your house is like, you know what your face looks like … Now is the time to DISCOVER what your mind is like! Paradigms are the programs that run on automatic pilot in our lives; It is our belief systems that were created even before we were born! We are conditioned to think about money, about success, about having a good job, trading hours for dollars all the time we grow up and even more so as adults when we act out our routines that really reinforce those belief patterns: “Look, I knew this it wouldn’t work … if it’s too good to be true, it probably is. “

Guess what? Those millionaires don’t have the same internal dialogue! They have “changed this!” as Pat Mesiti would say. So, “Don’t be an extra in your own movie!” as Bob Proctor would say.

My advice? If you’ve struggled with marketing online, first get yourself some self-improvement DVDs, guides, or better yet a mentor of your own – a life coach. Then watch miracles happen when marketing suddenly becomes easy, because at last, you are listening to someone who has been there and done it, and you follow a commercial marketing system that works. Everything starts to fall into place.

Did you know? 90% of people trying to make money online start from the wrong place. I remember an Irishman’s response when I asked him how to get somewhere: “Well, I wouldn’t start from here.” Believe it or not, 90% of those who start out, really get lost before they know where they are going! Then ask yourself why they are lost and start blaming everyone but themselves. 90% start out trying to find a product, or see a product or system advertised, are drawn to the sales letter and say to themselves, yes, this will sell easily …

Wow … bad! First, find a hungry market – know that market, find out what its problems are. THEN find a product that is the solution to your problem. Never try to sell something you think they NEED, sell them what they WANT. Here is a big difference. If you are not sure what it is, go back to what you were saying and find a mentor who will explain the difference to you and show you that it is your own belief system, those paradigms, that really set you down the wrong path. Begin with.

Going back to Million Dollar Minds … immerse yourself in them, feel what it’s like to have their way of thinking. Do this every day and I guarantee you will follow them to the top!

“Most people think that getting an education is expensive, it is not, IGNORANCE is expensive, education is an investment” (BP)

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal” Earl Nightingale – “ask yourself, is the goal worthy of me, not the other way around”.

“If you don’t live on the edge, you are taking up too much space” (BP)

Know where you’re going and know you’ll get there, then take the first step and the rest will follow – all you need is the will to do it!

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