How to use the I Ching – Basic Three Coin Method

To use the I Ching, all you need is a copy of the I Ching and three coins that have heads and tails. You will also need a piece of paper and a writing utensil. Begin by holding the coins in your hand and think of a question that you would like to answer. When you have a clear idea of ​​the question you would like to ask, throw away the coins. Take a look at the results. Each head is worth 3 and each tails is worth 2. So add the value. For example, suppose you toss the coins and the coins fall as two heads and a tail. That means the total would be 8. 3 + 3 + 2 = 8. So, for the first line, you would record an 8. Repeat this process five more times, writing the numerical values ​​in a vertical sequence from bottom to top. Once you have these 6 numerical values, you are ready to start building your hexagram.

To build a hexagram, you will simply write a dashed line for each even value and a solid line for each odd value. Once you have 6 lines, you will have made a hexagram. When your hexagram is formed, you should now look for it in your copy of the I Ching. Usually on the last page of your I Ching there will be a chart that makes it easy to find the hexagram. When you find your hexagram, read the chapter of the I Ching that corresponds to the hexagram.

Take a look at your hexagram. Do you have six or nines? If so, you will need to read the text below the line which is six or nine. Usually this will be written in your I Ching as the first line, second line, etc., or in some cases it will be described as the first six, the second nine, etc. These are known as the changing lines. The text in this section refers specifically to you and your question. Now you will make a second hexagram.

For the second hexagram, you will need to change all lines six to nine and all lines nine to six. Leave the rest of the lines the same. Then find the resulting hexagram the same way you did the first time, including lines six and nine. Finally, after you have done all this, you will “check your work” using the rtcm (retrospective three-currency method). This is a method I learned from reading a book by Carol Anthony, who is a leading writer on the subject of the I Ching. To use this method, simply formulate a theory about what you think the I Ching is trying to tell you. When you have a theory, keep it in your mind and flip the coins. If you get three faces, it means yes. Three tails is no. Two faces is yes, but … and two tails is no, but … keep doing this until you have a clear idea of ​​what the I Ching is telling you. When you ask if a particular interpretation of the reading is correct, toss the coins and they are all three face up, you will know that you have hit a correct interpretation.

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