How to make money using Twitter

Okay Twitter, first of all (and you better keep up to date as there is a lot of information in this article) set up your Twitter account. Be sure to add an image as this will instill trust in the customer. Set up your profile to reflect your niche.

Then, gain followers. This may seem daunting at first, but if you don’t have the time to manually add and follow each person, there are now several automated Twitter tools available to do it for you.

Find the most popular person within your niche and follow their followers. About 40-50% of these people will follow you, and over time, you will build a very specific list of people who are obviously interested in your niche.

Be sure to “unfollow” anyone who has lost interest. Yes, it will be painful to remove these people when you are working hard to build your list, but when you start out, you can only follow a limited number of people. Once you gain momentum, you can follow and be followed by many more, so keep the space clear and only follow those that follow you.

Think about how well Twitter ranks in search engines. By gaining followers on Twitter and providing good content, you will benefit from Twitter traffic and advertising. This will drive massive amounts of traffic to your own site and your own products.

Don’t spam your affiliate links everywhere. You need to build trust. Be nice, kind and HUMAN.

You have to slowly get people interested in what you have to say. Provide great content on your profile, so people come to you for answers. Provide a link in your profile to your website or blog so people know where to go if they want more information.

As time goes by, people will trust you and you will have many appropriate opportunities to post offers, links, etc. Create a capture page with a subscription list. Provide your Twitter customers with a free eBook or similar as an incentive to join your list. You are now building a highly targeted list of people in your niche who have already trusted you. And these people will now become your permanent contacts. Remember that the money is always in the list. In the meantime, keep tweeting about your business, who you are, and what you do, but keep it semi-personal. It’s a social networking site and people will unfollow you if they feel like you’re selling them something they don’t want. As your popularity and following grow, you will become dominant in your niche. Take a look at the most successful in your niche and emulate their business model.

Then, as soon as you’ve mastered a niche (or simultaneously if you’re motivated enough), set up a new Twitter account and repeat the process to build your Twitter business.

Rinse and repeat, it’s that simple.

If you want to be an overnight success, stop reading. You are wasting your time. However, if you want to make money with Twitter, it’s not out of your reach. Use as many of the available tools as possible. Almost every aspect can be automated, and by using these resources, many people earn a great income from Twitter. Why not you?

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