Golf Swing Technique: How To Increase Your Swing Speed

By simply learning the best golf swing techniques, you will be able to take your struggling golf game and power it to the top, earning the admiration of your fellow golfers and friends alike. With that being said, learning to swing a golf club can be one of the most frustrating things a person can attempt, especially if he’s been doing it incorrectly for years. Diagnosing what caused you to hook or cut the golf ball can be as simple as twisting the club a bit, or it can be as time consuming as adjusting your training to match the strength of each shoulder and your back. Read on and I’ll give you some more tips on how to improve your golf swing for the best golf swing techniques that will change your golf experience.

Just like in baseball when you’re at the plate, when you take your stance, you need to keep your spine straight if you hope to achieve some of the best golf swing techniques. Keep your feet level with the outside of your shoulders and point your toes slightly outward. You want to avoid making your body stiff, so bend your knees slightly and let your arms hang loosely at your waist. You should also let 3/4 of your weight rest on your back leg so that you can release that energy into the golf ball later.

To get the correct grip on your stick, imagine that you are holding an egg in your hands. If you hold an egg too tightly, you’ll crush it, right? Unless you’re a superhero, you’re obviously not going to smash your golf club, but the principle applies here, too. Keep a loose but firm grip on the club. When you start your backswing, fully visualize it and understand that you’re not trying to turn your body around, but want to slow down as the club peaks. Focus on making the entire swing smooth with no jerky movements.

As you begin your swing, you should never allow your eyes to stray from the ball. Your shoulders should rotate slowly and you should use the stored power of your back foot to propel the club through the ball. Try to hit the ball with the “sweet spot” of the stick, which is right in the middle of the stick. If you aim to the left or right even a little, you risk hooking or cutting the ball, and that will make for a long afternoon.

Becoming a great golfer is not something that will happen the first or even the second time you try them. Players like Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson have been practicing their entire lives since they were children to reach the level of skill they possess. Take the time to practice and learn from your mistakes and you’ll be using the best golf swing techniques in no time.

I can show you many techniques I’ve used to boost my golf game from the pros, and these simple techniques can get you up and running in just a few days. See The Best Golf Swing Techniques.

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