Don’t give that to the baby!

Not all foods that are delicious for mom are fair game for baby bumps. Think twice before offering them to your children.

  • Popcorn – This delicious snack is reputed to be one of the most common choking hazards for children. Parents should remember not to offer them unless the baby is supervised and is over a year old. If giving to babies over a year old, choose only the fluffy parts of the popcorn. Avoid shells and unpopped kernels, which are sharp and can get stuck in teeth and airways. Opt for plain versions instead of caramel or cheese flavored, due to the high sugar and salt content found in the latter.
  • Honey Cakes – Honey should not be given to babies under one year of age. That’s because Clostridium botulinum spores can germinate in your digestive system and cause infant botulism, a rare but fatal illness. For the same reason, don’t feed cakes or breads baked with honey, because doing so alone may not fully destroy the spores. However, commercial foods that contain honey (such as baby food and breakfast cereals) are safe for your baby because they have been heated enough to kill the spores.
  • Tiramisu: Due to the alcohol it contains, babies and young children consume the popular Italian pastries. The dessert contains caffeine, which can cause an upset stomach, headaches, and increased heart rate.
  • Bird’s nest: As expensive as it is, bird’s nest is an allergenic food that can cause symptoms such as vomiting, skin rashes, and abdominal pain. This is especially true if other family members are allergic to the protein it contains. Introduce this Chinese delicacy to your child only after he turns one year old. If your baby is healthy and allergy-free, bird’s nest can be consumed in small amounts as a tonic. It can sometimes provide relief for prolonged dry cough.
  • Ginseng: The doting grandma may want to make twice-boiled ginseng soup for the family, but this is one herb you’ll want your baby to avoid, unless directed otherwise by a doctor. Panax ginseng is not safe for children and can cause infant death as a result of poisoning. Some doctors may advise against the consumption of particular types of ginseng when the baby suffers from qi deficiency. But even for healthy babies, long-term consumption is not recommended as it can lead to early puberty.
  • Pearl Powder – When you were little, your mother may have enticed you with the promise of radiant skin while she mixed you a vial. To tell the truth, the preparation of crushed pearls is not a health supplement. It is a mineral that can be difficult for a baby’s digestive system to absorb. It should be consumed only under the advice of a doctor and is often reserved for the treatment of more serious ailments such as spasms or extremely high fevers. Children with G6PD deficiency should avoid it.
  • Sashimi: No matter how respectable the restaurant you’re dining at, don’t give this to babies under the age of two, even in small quantities. In fact, raw foods are forbidden territory for the little ones because the intestinal parasites present in them are not insignificant.
  • French Fries: Because they are high in saturated fat and full of salt, Charlotte frowns on these for kids. But if Junior won’t stop bugging you about his happy meal at a fast food restaurant, you can introduce French fries and other fried foods in moderation after he turns one. This is also the age when he can start using oil while he cooks his food.
  • Fizzy Drinks – You may be a fan of soda, but before you pour the rest of your soda into the sippy cup, think about your baby’s health and pearly whites. The sugar and acid content can also harm a baby’s emerging teeth. Dental concerns aside, carbonated beverages can also ruin your child’s appetite for nutritious foods.
  • Runny Eggs: Crucial for cell growth and tissue repair, eggs are known to be a wonderful source of protein. They are also rich in cholesterol and choline, both of which are essential for brain development in the first three years of life. However, liquid eggs should not be given to infants under one year of age due to the risk of salmonella-related food poisoning. Cook the egg well until it is firm and no trace of liquid egg is visible. Then have Junior eat it right away.
  • Ham: You should not add salt or sugar to your baby’s food until he is one year old, so ham should not be allowed. There is no additional nutritional benefit to choosing ham over fresh meat. Also, introducing flavorful foods (high in salt) too soon would encourage him to develop a preference for salty dishes.
  • Whole walnuts: These should be reserved for when your little one turns two years old. Otherwise, they may pose a choking hazard. Nuts need to be chewed well, but a baby’s molars develop only after around 24 months. When Junior is ready for whole nuts, the dietitian recommends healthier, unsalted, baked varieties.

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