Bonnet Style Hair Dryers – Benefits for your hair

Bonnet hair dryers have been around long before manufacturers designed and created today’s regular hair dryers. I still remember older TV and newspaper ads with that woman with lots of curlers on her head sitting patiently under her hood getting her hair blown dry at the salon. However, nowadays it seems that hood-style hair dryers are once again very popular among women who want to dry their hair at home. I was trying to find the reason for that and I think I figured it all out.

Basically, it’s much easier to use the bonnet dryer to dry those curls on the rollers as it can take a while and doing it manually with the hand holding the normal hair dryer can be cumbersome and very tiring on the arm. The bonnet-style hair dryer basically frees up your hands so you can get a manicure, read a magazine or book, or just let your hands rest while the machine works its magic on your head.

Hand dryers, while very useful and popular, still mean that you have to use your hand to dry your hair. The beanie style effectively eliminates that problem.

There are many good manufacturers that make new and modern hood style hair dryers that have additional features and benefits compared to the old style ones that were used in the 60’s and 70’s. For example, the hood can be very soft and can Store easily and take with you on the go. Plus putting it on your head is extremely easy. Some types have a cool function that allows you to set the temperature for more delicate styling. And the use of the included ionic technology will eliminate frizz from your hair forever.

Also, many of these modern style hair dryers have a feature that allows your curls to stay moist while they dry. This feature also eliminates frizz and split ends from your locks. And if you happen to get a hair dryer that has a longer cord, you can work in the room while you dry your hair. Talk about multitasking here!

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