Are there real Pokemon?

I don’t know much about Pokémon, except that they get their name from “pocket monster”, which means you can shrink them down and keep them in a ball in your pocket. Tournaments, similar to cockfights, are held between various monsters for prestige in the Pokémon world.

And I wonder how difficult it would be to genetically alter the animals we have today into specialized creatures that can be used in all sorts of situations. Surely it would just be a matter of extracting and combining DNA strands, wouldn’t it? Creatures as we know them today have many strange traits, and Pokémon share some of these traits. Take the electric eel, for example. Electric eels already pack a punch, maybe even enough to kill a man, but what if we could turn up the electricity and combine their DNA with another creature, like a ferret? Such an animal could be used in combat, for one thing.

Reptiles provide us with DNA for the production of powerful poisons, and the Komodo dragon’s mouth is so dirty that a bite often results in a deadly infection. There are also many poisonous fish. Mammals offer us defenses like porcupine quills and the stench of a skunk. Other mammals offer speed and agility, or massive strength and size.

There really is almost no end to the creatures one could build in a lab if we could crack the DNA combining code. You could look at the entire animal kingdom (or even the plant kingdom for that matter) and find any combination you wanted. Obviously, the industry is going to have a good day producing ostrich-sized chickens and pocket-sized cows, depending on which way the marketing winds blow. The world is preparing to explode in diversity like never before, if we crack that code.

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