Alternatives to wood or gas fireplaces – Electric fireplace inserts

A cozy fireplace is the central fixture in many homes, but due to the inconvenience of keeping the fire burning; Unfortunately, many fireplaces serve simply as decoration: a place for family photos on the mantelpiece. Traditional wood burning fireplaces are inefficient sources of supplemental heat and can pose a fire hazard if extreme precautions and constant supervision are not followed. The gas also poses the danger of spreading odorless but deadly carbon monoxide throughout the house.

You can have all the benefits of a fireplace while keeping your home safe and warm. An electric fireplace can be easily installed in the space where a gas or wood burning fireplace was not used. Electric fireplaces provide additional zone heating and can help keep energy costs down while providing a fireplace atmosphere that can be enjoyed year-round.

out with the old

By replacing an outdated fireplace with an electric fireplace, the house becomes more energy efficient. Since electric units do not have a chimney or vent, the heat produced by an electric fireplace stays in the room, providing a good source of additional heat. Compare that to traditional fireplaces where up to 90 percent of the heat can escape through the chimney, and it’s clear your old fireplace is doing more harm than good.

By adding electric heaters throughout the house, zoned heating can be an effective way to save on heating bills. For example, during the day, electric heaters can heat the living room, dining room, and family room; all while the thermostat for the central system is set to a lower temperature. Unoccupied rooms, like a hallway or bedrooms, won’t use as much heating energy this way. During the night, the heating can be directed to the bedrooms while the family sleeps.

In homes that already have a beautiful built-in fireplace and mantel, there is no need for expensive demolition. Wood and gas fireplaces can easily be converted to an electric model. An electric log set easily inserts into your fireplace replacing your existing wood grate, gas grill, burner or log set. The only installation required to convert a fireplace to an electric alternative is that the fireplace damper must be sealed. Electric fireplace inserts can be plugged into a nearby outlet, but for permanent installation, it is more aesthetically pleasing to have electric fireplace inserts connected directly to the home’s electrical system, or to have an outlet connected to the inside of the fireplace where the cord is not connected. be seen. .

in with the new

Homes that don’t have an existing fireplace can still have the great look of a fireplace with a freestanding electric fireplace mantel package. There are several models to choose from, from very formal traditional wood fireplace packages to more modern units. Other options include freestanding stoves, small mantelpieces for hallways, entertainment centers that fit both a TV and a fireplace, or wall-mounted electric fireplaces. Installation is as simple as plugging the unit into a household outlet.

Everything is in the flame

Converting wood and gas fireplaces doesn’t mean sacrificing the ambiance of a dancing flame. Today’s electric fireplaces feature the latest flame effect technology that provides a very realistic fire experience.

The realism of an electrical set begins with hand-hewn logs and glowing embers to give the appearance of an oxygen-fueled fire. Realistic flames, heat, and screen-operated glass doors make it virtually impossible to tell that what you’re looking at isn’t a real fire. And the big difference between electric fireplaces and gas or wood burning fireplaces is that the heat can be turned off while still enjoying the realistic flame, so you can enjoy the fireplace all year round.

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