3 Basic Elements for Building Muscle

There is something impressive about a fit and muscular physique in both men and women. There is almost an aura, an air of confidence that emanates from these people, something that captures the attention of most who are in their presence. It may not be the only route to success in other areas of their lives, but the men and women who have dedicated themselves to building muscle and getting fit seem to have more than their share of success in other endeavors.

Muscle building has gone from being an athletic event, where muscle was simply a by-product of athletic training and competition, to being the entire focus of the dedicated bodybuilder. What may have started as a means to greater athletic performance has become an end in itself.

Building muscle requires three basic elements: muscle training, proper nutrition, and plenty of rest.

Exercise: In the early days of bodybuilding, muscle builders worked every muscle to exhaustion every workout, sometimes six days a week. When science came on the scene, it was understood that overworking muscles can inhibit their growth. Now, bodybuilders target one muscle group per workout, bombarding it to complete exhaustion, while working the other muscle groups lightly or giving them a rest. One heavy workout per week for each muscle group has been considered sufficient to make them grow.

Nutrition: When you exercise a muscle vigorously, the muscle fibers are injured. When properly fueled, these tired, torn muscles rebuild themselves, bigger and stronger than before. Good nutrition is the cornerstone of muscle building success. Most bodybuilders have a nutrition program that involves lots of natural protein, minimal processed foods, if any, and “good” carbohydrates. . . those from natural plant sources. They avoid refined starches and sugars like they would the plague.

Rest: Muscles must rest if they are to rebuild from protein intake. Resting doesn’t mean being a couch potato, it just means exercising other muscles or doing other physical activities that stimulate the mind and body.

The mental and physical stimulation that comes with a good fitness program will last a lifetime. It is never too late to start an activity that will last the rest of your life.

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