The Real Key to Getting a Knockout Ancient Greek Tattoo

Are you looking for a great ancient Greek tattoo that will stand out from all the rest? Do you want something unique that you will surely love? There are definitely some steps you can take to find a design that is unique to your personality, one that has the dynamic that you want.

The first step in getting that amazing ancient Greek tattoo is determining which ancient symbol, figure, or personality you want to focus on. Many people do not realize that many popular tattoo symbols originated from Greece and its ancient tattoos.

The snake, for example, is a symbol of healing rituals because its poison was considered medicinal in ancient Greece. The Greek god Asclepius was the god of healing and medicine. Legend has it that the incredible physician Hippocrates called upon Asclepius to produce the purest form of healing for his patients. The Staff of Asclepius Tattoo is a healing symbol for the medical field and is depicted as a staff with a snake wrapped around it. If you are interested in healing, be it physical, spiritual, or emotional, a variation of the Rod of Asclepius tattoo is worth seeking out.

butterflies they are also a symbol of ancient Greek history. Butterfly in Greek translates as “psyche” or “soul”. Butterflies were important in mythology and were associated with the human soul. They were thought to be the souls of the deceased and are depicted as the means of passage for the soul to enter the heavens. Butterflies can be used in designs that are a tribute or memory of a loved one.

angels They were very important in ancient Greek religions. An angel, or “angelos”, was a divine messenger responsible for conveying messages from the gods to humans. The halo that Christians depict with angels actually originated in Greek times. The sun god Helios is often depicted surrounded by angels with halos, and is often shown wearing a halo himself. Angels can bring a sense of peace or serenity to any tattoo.

While these three ancient symbols may be overlooked in Greek designs, there are many other design ideas that are easily associated. Key Greek patterns, words, phrases, crosses, and of course the incredibly popular designs from mythology are just a few others.

So what do you do once you have an idea of ​​what symbols you want to use in your personal ancient Greek tattoo? Well, you should get some references from good tattoo artists and find one that you feel comfortable with. But there is one important thing you should keep in mind. When looking at layouts in a salon, keep in mind that these layouts are standard and easy to complete. Many other people will wear the same design as you, a design that is simple enough to get you in and out of the room as quickly as possible.

The real key to getting that ancient Greek tattoo knocked out is going to take a bit of work on your part. You’ve already done some of that work by researching ancient symbols and figures that have meaning to you.

Next, you need to find some award-winning printable designs that are unique and fit your personality. You can combine these designs and create your own classic piece of art that will turn heads wherever you go. Take these printable designs to the salon and discuss your ideas with the artist who will do the work for you. Trust me, they will be happy to help you because your unique design will also help promote their business.

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