The Most Powerful Exercise For Fast Weight Loss Results – Find Out With A Personal Trainer

Many women know that it is important to include exercise as part of their weight loss diet program, but most of them do not know what exercise to use and how to do it effectively to produce results. As a personal trainer, I’m here to tell you how to use a simple yet powerful form of exercise that will help you lose weight fast.

Exercise isn’t just important for weight loss, it’s vital for your body to function well to keep you healthy. But when it comes to exercising specifically to lose weight, the question is: which exercises should you be doing? If you want to burn fat and tone your muscles fast, one of the most effective exercises you can do is the push-up, IF done right! The beauty of this exercise is that you don’t need any fancy equipment or expensive equipment – ​​just your body and the right technique will burn your body fat!

Here is the drill. Clear an area in your room, lay out a mat or exercise mat, and kneel on the floor, stretching your legs and feet together. Keep your back and arms straight, with your hands shoulder-width apart. Now here’s the important part: SLOWLY lower yourself down, until your elbows are square, pause for a count of five seconds, then SLOWLY come back up. Look, that was easy, it’s not complicated! What makes this work is the focus on time; Doing this exercise slowly increases the tension in the muscles, making them work harder.

What muscles does this work? Exercise your shoulders, your back, your arms… and to face the exercise, your body spends a lot of extra energy. The extra energy used means your body will burn fat quickly to make up for it. And this leads to rapid weight loss. Do a few sets of these every day and you’ll be well on your way to rapid weight loss.

Now, if you really want to stick with this exercise, the best way to do it is to vary your push-up routine. However, if you’re just starting your exercise program, start with an easy alternative to the full push-up. The “half” pushup is performed with the knees bent rather than with the legs straight. Simply bend your legs at the knees, then slowly lower and raise your body. Then, as you master this position, you can change your routine to full pushups or other advanced forms of this exercise. Starting with the easiest way means there’s less stress and you’ll still reap the benefits of weight loss.

For an even bigger challenge to the full push-up, try adding a bit of rhythm. In the “clapping” pushup, when you get to the point where your arms are straight, push yourself up, clap your hands quickly, and lower your hands back down. This burst of energy will give you even better results! One of the more difficult variations of the push-up is the one-handed push-up. Beware, this one is really hard, but it is a powerful way to lose weight. In this pushup, you put one hand behind your back and do the pushups like this.

As a personal trainer, I know several easy ways to achieve fast and healthy weight loss. These are the methods I use with my clients to produce fantastic results in my clients’ homes and condos in downtown Toronto. For weight loss, the pushup is one of the simplest exercises, with several different variations that make it a powerful way to give your body the exercise it needs, trim your waistline, and get healthy. Add it to your daily routine and you will definitely get a toned body to make your friends jealous.

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