The Me Too Movement: Relevant / Necessary, Too Late or Rhetoric?

In the last year or two, we have witnessed much more public awareness of harassment, etc., experienced by so many women, and the misdeeds accused, from many public leaders and / or well-known individuals. This has sparked a movement, called, I also, which has created a hash tag on social media and exposure for many people, leading to embarrassment, resignation, and legal ramifications. However, it seems that the application of this is quite selective, where some defendants have been quickly exposed and punished, while others, who proceed with a denial strategy, have not been touched, at least, to date. The holder of the highest office, in our land, has been accused by more women, than most, with more facts and evidence, that the majority, however, has proceeded, intact, because he proclaims, he is the victim, and His accusers. they are liars! We are also witnessing a Supreme Court Justice candidate, confronted with allegations of misconduct, several decades ago, and although her accuser came forward, having taken and passed a lie detector test, and with statements from her therapist, she stated this in therapy, 6 years ago (long before this particular man was even mentioned as a possible judge), apparently wronged by the same senators, who in 1991, voiced the need for an FBI investigation of an individual, then refusing to consider, even an expedited one, now, to gather facts, before approving someone for the highest court, for a lifetime appointment. When politics comes before the public good, something is wrong!

1. While women have shown, this year, much more political determination than ever, in recent memory, it is enough, when certain right-wing politicians seem not to care or fear to act. It’s cowardice, political / personal agenda. Self-interest or fear of opposing the somewhat flamboyant occupant of the White House? What seemed outrageous, in the past, when, even when politics creates adversity, is the ongoing, negative, obnoxious rhetoric employed by President Donald Trump, and the seemingly astonishing control he possesses and loyalty over his main supporters / followers. ! We have had female Supreme Court justices, US Senators, US Congressional Representatives, and candidates for President and Vice President; However, women still seem to be subjected to a double standard, instead of considering the essential need to treat women with the respect that every human being deserves!

2. Is this the result of Mr. Trump’s presidency or was he elected because many Americans (or at least enough to elect him), feel the same biases and prejudices, and are willing to overlook just about anything? , in order to achieve your desired social agenda, regardless of whether it is what our Constitution and Bill of Rights represent?

Many feel that the tone of our politics and the mood and national discourse, since Trump became president, is, to say the least, troubling. Wake up, America, or your children and grandchildren, will live in a country that is no longer recognizable!

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