The Masada Faktor Read the Foreword for Free

The Masada Factory©
a black mediterranean
the cover image

The cover image is a stained glass masterpiece created by the Maumejean brothers in July 1941 at Saint Jacques Church in Montgeron, south of Paris, France, as a visible sign of French resistance during the Nazi occupation. It went unnoticed for seventy years until January 2011. The stained glass window depicts Adolf Hitler as King Herod. Hitler’s mustache is hidden behind his arm so it won’t be noticed, but the fringed black hair clearly represents Hitler as Herod, violently murdering Saint Jacques, who represents the Jewish people. Jacques is French for James, which is Jacob in Hebrew. Jacob, considered a patriarch, was the father of the twelve tribes of Israel.


A group of six Schutzstaffel, Nazi German SS met in secret towards the end of World War II. It was the first week of May 1945 and they had gathered at their favorite place, a member’s house, in a hidden room on the ground floor, with access through a false wall built into the toilet next to the boiler.

The light was dim and yellowish, and the meat smelled musty. Several cases of German brandy that the German troops had hidden there were available to fortify and bolster their courage and mitigate boredom while awaiting instructions.

High-level SS operatives had organized these groups of four to six SS per cell. The umbrella group Odessa was called the Organization of Former SS Members and was founded in secret the year before when it became clear that Germany was losing the war.

The immense amount of wealth stolen from the Jews would fund his plan for the continuation of post-war shenanigans involving the annihilation of the remaining Jews. With these monetary resources and Nazi technical and military experts, they and the other groups organized themselves and awaited his orders.

What this group finally received by courier that night arrived in a worn gray leather bag, and inside was a folder, the label handwritten in purple ink: The Masada Faktor. This group did not include technical experts, however, their value lay in their dedication to the cause. They were relieved but apprehensive when they opened the envelope containing six sets of duplicate secret orders.

Until now, their meetings had included speculation about what their orders would be, but they knew that whatever it was, it would include the continued destruction of Jews around the world. His mission would be to strictly follow those orders.

They also drank freely. Sometimes Bruno brought drugs that they shared.

“Tonight I have a special present,” Bruno said in a rough voice.

The other five included Wilhelm, Erich, Gustav, Joachim and Oskar. “I told you no more drugs,” Gustav growled, and pushed Bruno out of his chair.

“Stop this immediately,” Oskar interjected in his strange high-pitched voice. “From this moment we will no longer use pharmaceuticals, only alcohol will be allowed.”

Oskar slapped first Bruno and then Gustav while Wilhelm, Joachim and Erich watched with wide eyes, nodding with a mixture of fear and disgust.

Silence fell as they sat and read the plans of the operation. The Masada Faktor was a strategy that sought to link a new fiasco against the Jews to a major historical event in Jewish history that was an obsession with Hitler.

Hitler had studied King Herod in depth and in his grandiose fanaticism he identified with Herod. This was obvious in the preface to the instructions. Hitler knew that some seventy years after Herod’s death, Masada, which was Herod’s most ambitious fortress project in Israel, was where a three-year siege by the Romans ended in a mass suicide of Jews who would not be killed. captured alive. And so Hitler used the seventy year mark of his death to plan a parallel siege on Israel.

Herod had been the ruthless king of Israel, a sexual pervert and psychopath who was appointed by the Roman Senate. His most ambitious project was to build Masada between 37 B.C. C. and 31 a. C. with thousands of Jewish slave laborers moving gigantic blocks of limestone weighing more than ten tons. Hitler modeled slave labor policies, murdering all opposition, and complete authoritarianism with King Herod in mind.

The Masada Faktor predicted the use of the Nazis and their collaborators. They would train their children and their children’s children in the plan. This became a much discussed topic of how offspring would be recruited into this conspiracy.

Because the orchestration would take a long time, they accepted that everyone would be dead long before the event unfolded. Fortunately, they had unlimited monetary funds from liquidated Jewish property, which they could use to seize their progeny, should their dedication to Nazism weaken over time.

They were nervous at this meeting. News of Hitler’s death had been reported as suicide by gunshot and possible simultaneous ingestion of cyanide on April 30, 1945. His wife Eva Braun committed suicide by swallowing cyanide. All agreed that it was now up to them to continue the effort. Instinctively he knew they had no choice.

The news that master propagandist Joseph Goebbels had killed his six children with lethal injections and planned the fatal shooting of him and his wife had fired at this group of six loyal Nazis.

“We must swear that our children will have a different destiny, a glorious destiny, and they must continue their mission to destroy the Jews wherever they live.” Oskar was the designated leader of this group. “I want everyone to stand up and have Sieg Heil swear allegiance to him!” They quickly stood up and in unison declared their engagement.

Despite the audacity and crazy proportions of this diabolical plan, they were convinced of it. No doubt fueled by cognac and hatred, they were going to enlist the other deadly enemy of the Jews, the Arabs.

Hitler had financially supported the Muslim Brotherhood and recruited Arabs in large numbers for the infamous all-Muslim Hanzer battalion divisions for the German army in the war. They had shown their skills in massacres and atrocities. These Germans knew that any future goals of the Muslim Brotherhood would include making the Middle East Judenrein, free of Jews.

They were given all the names and connections they needed, including propaganda wizards, and told that Hitler’s autobiographical manifesto, Mein Kampf, had been translated into Arabic to fuel Arab loyalty.

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem had lent his anti-Semitic propaganda skills in support of Hitler and was housed and protected by the Fürher himself, in a luxurious Jewish house that had been confiscated in Berlin.

The idea that the Jews could have sovereignty over their ancient homeland made it unquestionable that Zionism would continue to entice the Jews to colonize Palestine. The Jews would multiply in that land and be an easy target, vulnerable to his nefarious plot.

They had a small but loyal following within the German Tempelgesellschaft, the Templar society in Palestine, and could count on their support. The Templars had established seven settlements in the Holy Land, with the largest group in Haifa.

The men were pleased with the Fuerher’s choice. They promised to abide by Hitler’s last written statement, known as My Political Testament, and to continue his work.

They were ready to flee using the rat lines that were already established as escape routes to South America, the Middle East, the United States of America, Canada and other countries in Europe.

To do this, they were to be assisted in their escape from the Allied Forces by Catholic priests who had pledged to supply false documents and passports in a clandestine network through Switzerland and then Italy.

And they knew that they could escape to Arab lands, convert to Islam, marry and have children while enlisting and fraternizing with those who had the same hatred for the Jews. They had the option of joining the Arab armies, doing their part with the propaganda, and changing to Arab names that would complete their assimilation.

Not many Nazis were left to stand trial at Nuremberg. They were to be received in Egypt, Syria, Turkey, and Jordan, all known as European Nazi havens, where anti-Jewish propaganda was rife thanks to the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Al-Husseini.

Each packet of instructions included Hitler’s last statement:

My Political Testament of Adolf Hitler

More than thirty years have passed since I contributed my modest strength in 1914 as a volunteer in the First World War, which was imposed on the Reich.

In these three decades, only love and loyalty to my people have guided me in my thoughts, my actions and my life. They gave me the strength to make the tough decisions like I had never faced a mortal man before. I have exhausted my time, my workforce and my health in these three decades.

It is not true that I or anyone else in Germany wanted war in 1939…

But I have also left no doubt that if the nations of Europe are to be treated once again as joint stocks and shares of these international money and finance conspirators, then those who bear the real blame for the murderous struggle, these people , they will also be responsible: the Jews!

Furthermore, I have left no one in doubt that this time it will not be just millions of children of Europeans from the Aryan peoples who will starve, not just millions of adult men who will suffer death, and not just hundreds of thousands of women and children who will be burned and bombed to death in the cities, without the real culprits having to be lazy for their crime, albeit by more humane means…

But first of all I call on the leadership of the nation and those who follow it to observe racial laws with the greatest care, to fight mercilessly against the poisoners of all the peoples of the world, international Jewry.

Established in Berlin, on April 29, 1945, at 4:00 a.m.

Dr Joseph Goebbels
William Burgdorf
Martin Borman
Hans Krebs


I thought about Mom’s last day. She whispered in my ear as I lay down next to her knowing that this was the end of her life. Urging her to conserve her strength was unproductive.

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