Start living authentically: accept your truth and live it with pleasure

The facts are black and white and the truth is not. The truth has many shades of gray and that is why honesty is so appreciated. For example, there is a fallacy that poor people are honest and rich people are as inclined as a dollar sign, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Honest people, rich or poor, are the majority. However, when the rich and the corrupt make headlines, people gleefully point fingers and derisively say, “Look, you can’t trust them,” while the poor and dishonest rarely make the news. I have always wondered why that is because they do as much damage as is usually perpetrated on the poor and gullible.

A man of pure mind does not suddenly fall into crime under the stress of some maternal external force; criminal thought had long been secretly fostered in the heart, and the hour of opportunity revealed the accumulated power of it. james allen

You need to understand that the size of someone’s “purse” has nothing to do with how they go about their daily lives. It all comes down to character, not circumstances. He begins to live authentically today; Embrace your truth and live it with enthusiasm!

Living an authentic life and embracing the truth does not mean telling everyone what you think, that is just silly as there is no reason to antagonize people unnecessarily. It means living your beliefs every day; it means being honest with yourself; it means keeping your word with yourself and with others; it means accepting who you are in your totality, both positive and negative, and living to the fullest.


When you don’t honor your word, live what you believe, say what you think when asked or when necessary, you lack integrity and that makes you a liar. That sounds harsh, but we’re all in this together; integrity and honesty go hand in hand.

Circumstance does not make the man; he reveals it to himself. james allen

Think about this: how do you feel when you walk out of a meeting, conversation, or meeting wanting to kick yourself in the back because you didn’t say what you wanted because…and that’s my point? In those moments you don’t like yourself very much and the memory of those times lasts, until the next time. Time to change that habit!


So am I an honest person? No. I believe that honesty is the best but I can’t say that it always has been or always will be. I am a work in progress. Have you ever lied and the memory stuck with you years later? That happened to me on three memorable occasions and the last time was in 2009 when I didn’t keep my word. I felt like two inches tall and not something I intend to replicate! Lying makes me too uncomfortable and it’s also a huge waste of time and energy, so why bother?

He who neglects the truth in small matters cannot be trusted in important matters. Einstein

Considering someone’s feelings is not a factor when I have something to say. I will not deliberately hurt anyone’s feelings, however, if you ask me a question, I will answer honestly; Otherwise, I will keep my mouth shut unless I feel that an issue is important enough to warrant intervention. Whether it is accepted or not is irrelevant. However, I’m not one of those idiots who think they have to speak up just because… Silence is golden.

Do your Do you think you are an honest person?


Americans are the ones I hear the most saying “I’m honest”, “I’m a good person”, “I’m real”, “I’m a good guy” and sometimes I wonder about the truth of those statements. For example, if you are one of these culprits but don’t put the needs of the person you claim to love first, it means that he is lying: he is not a “good” guy!

We all lie, every day. You pretend you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings, but it’s actually your way of avoiding taking responsibility… for your actions.

When you’re being yourself, you can sometimes feel uncomfortable because you stand out when you stand up and not many people feel comfortable in those circumstances. Some examples of what we lie: “honey, do you like this dress?”; the classic “does my butt look big in this?”; “Are you okay”; “Is there a problem with this…?” and continues ad nauseam.

Gandhi said As long as you have the truth, you have to give it with love or the message and the messenger will be rejected. That’s because most of us tend to react defensively when we hear someone speak truthfully; It is not the norm in any society. I have learned that you can speak your truth without putting anyone down.

However, always remember that people are responsible for the way they feel and therefore react; It has nothing to do with you and you can only make them feel comfortable by lying. There is nothing wrong with being honest!


Blaming someone else for anything that happens in your life is a big scale lie and I mean adults here; only children and animals are innocent.

My personal motto is “Don’t ask me if you don’t want to know” and that’s the catch here: honesty is the best policy and the truth is personal because none of us have a lock. When we tell the truth, it is our truth. Linda Elinor says it best:

What you perceive, your observations, feelings, interpretations, are all your truth. Your truth matters. However, it is not The Truth.

Telling the truth builds you up in tremendous ways; cheers you up, lights your way allowing you to clearly see boulders, cracks, traps, pebbles, etc. so that when you fall without realizing it, and you will, you get up if you know what suits you with a “oops, my bad” and keep going.


You give away your power when you lie to yourself and refuse to accept responsibility for your actions. It is irrelevant how a situation evolved: the bottom line is that YOU gave away your power to someone else, be it in a relationship (make me happy); at work (lack of responsibility); in a contract (you signed it without reading it); verbally (you wanted to believe what you heard); in a store (you asked no questions); buying stocks (you pretended you understood); a medical procedure (didn’t get a third or fourth opinion), and so on.

Man is whipped by circumstances while creating himself as a creature of external conditions. james allen

My power was taken from me very early in life and then I ended up giving it away because I didn’t know any better. I had to learn the hard way that it opens the door to all forms of abuse. There is a wrong way and a right way to do everything, but we human beings continue to maintain self-destructive habits despite what we know.

And because we powerfully resist change, we become our own victims when disaster strikes when we ignore the nagging feeling that something is wrong. Usually, it turns out that we were right (but we didn’t take any action), then we gleefully point an accusing finger and state “See, I knew it.” What’s wrong with this image?

Wake up people, it’s time to get real!


Living authentically means connecting on a genuine level with the people you interact with on a daily basis determined to overcome your discomfort. They feel uncomfortable because your naturalness is not the norm in today’s society. People prefer tried and tested lies that are as perennial as grass. Prepare for this when you speak your truth and don’t worry, it will pass.

Speak your truth, be honest with yourself and others in every situation, no matter what. When discomfort arises, that means you are on the right track; stay with it. Remember to tell yourself after every encounter “This is how I love myself” (my favorite quote from a blog whose name escapes me).


Not everything is roses when you live honestly on a daily basis. The mental chatter and doubts don’t go away, but you’re in it for the long haul, so use Hamlet’s words as a motto: “There’s nothing right or wrong, but thinking makes it so.” This works for me.

Unless your heart, your soul and your whole being are behind every decision you make, the words of your mouth will be empty and every action will be meaningless. Truth and trust are the roots of happiness. Unknown author

Some people will think you’re weird and keep you at a distance, and others will avoid you; You will attract energy suckers at times, but they are easy to recognize and turn off; and for some strange reason, being natural is equivalent to being a jerk in the eyes of some people: go ahead and surprise them!

Little by little or all at once you will lose your masks, those people you have for every occasion: partner, work, children, boss, colleague, plumber, etc. In short, you become a whole person when you stop living a lie.


Embracing your truth and living it is a liberating, vibrant feeling that gets better every day. You grow in your Being. You love and appreciate yourself more every day; you attract the same kind of people who are just as genuine as you are. And you gain a special inner righteousness that reflects your authenticity.

You never find yourself until you face the truth. pearl bailey

You smile on the inside often and that creates a sense of righteousness on the inside and specialness on the outside. You feel healthier, your thoughts are more expansive and inclusive because your awareness is growing and that is due to your inner stillness. As a consequence, your inner voice (intuition) becomes audible.


Do I make honesty sound difficult? It’s when you think about it too much; it is not when you “are”. It’s about perspective. Decide what you want to be: authentic or one of the sheep. Think it, do it and say it to become that, day in and day out, no matter who says what. After all, nothing worthwhile comes easy.

Be yourself. Trying to fit into someone else’s mold never works. If you can’t fix what isn’t working, forget it. If people don’t like who you are, then find those who do by being YOURSELF. That is integrity and honesty – THAT is living truth.

And let me leave you with one final thought: putting one on someone in a dishonest way is NOT a victory. It may taste sweet in the rush of the moment, but there will be no lingering satisfaction and sooner or later you will be asked to “repair” the damage you have caused, if not directly to your victim, then to someone else who has done it. done. a pressing need.

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