Say no to aspartame and hello honey

The GD Searle Corporation. is the company that developed a so-called “miracle sweetener” called aspartame. Donald Rumsfeld was the leader at the time and later became the United States Secretary of Defense. The FDA refused to approve this top-selling sweetener for 16 years. Aspartame has been linked to brain cancer, depression, memory loss, hearing loss, joint pain, headaches, seizures, vision loss or vision problems, coma and cancer. It also seems to worsen or replicate symptoms of MS, fibromyalgia, lupus, ADD, chronic fatigue, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, asthma, coma, and even death. For years this company tried to get aspartame approved.

But no one wanted to get close to him! In fact, according to a recently discovered report, the late Dr. M. Adrian Gross, a former senior FDA toxicologist, stated in congressional testimony: “Beyond any doubt, aspartame causes brain tumors and therefore By allowing aspartame to go on the market, the FDA has violated the Delaney Amendment, which prohibits putting anything in food known to cause cancer… And if the FDA itself chooses to violate its own law, who is left to protect the health of the audience?”

In the early 1980s, Donald Rumsfeld entered the world of politics. Soon enough, he appointed a new FDA commissioner, and this appointee approved aspartame. Before long, aspartame was everywhere. Medical authorities estimate that aspartame has generated more FDA complaints than any other additive. It has been responsible for up to 75% of such complaints to that agency. And, after receiving approximately 10,000 consumer complaints, the FDA compiled a list of 92 aspartame-related symptoms, including death. Aspartame attacks your body at the cellular level, so it can override all kinds of medications Americans take, including antidepressants, Coumadin, heart medications, hormones, insulin, vaccines, and many others.

It’s a deadly neurotoxic drug disguised as a harmless additive. However, most take it because they think it makes them less fat… Medical researcher Dr. HJ Roberts has concluded that aspartame caused our obesity epidemic. He gives evidence that this sweetener secretly makes you crave carbs that make you gain weight. It can trigger or overstimulate the production of ghrelin in the stomach, also known as the “hunger hormone.” If this hypothesis turns out to be correct, it will help explain why “diet” soft drinks have not been very helpful for weight loss. In fact, they have the opposite effect. Alternatives on the market…

SUGAR: A tablespoon now and then is fine, but over time, too much sugar can lead to diabetes, leading to heart disease, kidney disease, peripheral vascular disease, diabetic retinitis (blindness), diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and the list goes on. unceasingly.

SUCRALOSE: A very dangerous new chemical, because to make sucralose, chlorine is added to sugar! Have you ever spilled bleach on your skin? The Sucralose Toxicity Information Center has shown that years of sucralose use can lead to severe immune system compromise and neurological disorders.

SACCHARIN: Despite the famous animal studies, we do not consider saccharin to be a cancer threat to humans, as some of the studies had procedural flaws. It has an unpleasant aftertaste.

STEVIA: Yes, it’s natural, it’s safe. But he doesn’t taste anything like sugar.

XYLITOL: Almost gets a perfect score. Natural, tastes like sugar, good for teeth, does not raise blood sugar. On the downside, some people get diarrhea. The two alternatives are:

Erythritol is an all-natural, calorie-free alternative to sugar. It looks like sugar, it feels like sugar, and it’s baked and tastes like sugar. It does not affect blood sugar or insulin levels, reduces dental plaque, and unlike xylitol, has no laxative side effects. Erythritol is found in nature at low levels in grapes, melons, and pears and can be found at higher levels in fermented products such as wine. Every day, it is estimated that we consume between 30 and 100 mg of natural erythritol in our regular diet. Since the late 1980s, erythritol has been used as an ingredient in foods and beverages in Japan, and more recently has been approved for use in the US and Canada. These approvals were based on extensive scientific studies reviewed by an expert panel of independent physicians and scientists. Is it like Splenda® or Equal No.

Splenda (sucralose) and Equal (aspartame) are not found naturally in any plant or fruit. They are made by a chemical process. And they’re hundreds of times sweeter than sugar, so they’re mixed with dextrose or maltodextrin to reduce the sweetness to a weight closer to sugar. Erythritol is naturally occurring and occurs naturally, and is used in its pure form. Because erythritol is naturally occurring and occurs naturally, it is very different from sweeteners like Splenda ® (sucralose) and Equal ® (aspartame) that are artificially produced through a chemical process. How else is it different? Erythritol does not cause unwanted gastrointestinal effects under the intended conditions of use.

Based on clinical studies in which erythritol was administered with food and drink in daily doses of up to 75-80 grams, there are no discernible problems. That means you can have multiple servings per day and not feel any effects. Compared to the other sweeteners classified as sugar alcohols, erythritol has the highest digestive tolerance, which is 2-3 times better compared to xylitol, lactitol, maltitol, and isomalt, and 3-4 times better compared to sorbitol and mannitol. Randi’s Vote #1: Organic Raw Honey – In addition to being a concentrated energy source, honey contains a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids. Honey contains vitamins, such as vitamin B6, thiamine, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid. Essential minerals, such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, and zinc are also found in honey. In addition, several different amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, have been identified in honey. “Honey also contains several compounds that function as antioxidants, one of which is unique to honey called pinocembrin.”

* Increases energy and stamina.

* Increases muscle growth and definition.

* Strengthens the immune system.

*Has antioxidant activity.

* Improves sexuality.

* Smoothes wrinkles.

For a quick source of energy and to reap the health benefits of honey, include honey in your daily diet along with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Use honey to sweeten your oatmeal or drizzle it over half a grapefruit. I have found a couple of good vendors on the web that promote natural processes, ie no sugar water, no antibiotics, etc. For a list of major companies, contact the author at the New Age of Beauty website.

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