How to Make 50K a Year Selling eBooks on Amazon (The REAL Secret is Simple)

Who else would love to make amazing money writing books for Amazon? Do you secretly yearn for fame, fortune and the desire to SPEAK to the world? Maybe you have an inspiring message that you think is essential to share? Or maybe you just want an easy way to spread your influence, expand your audience, and reach MORE people on the largest publishing platform on the planet?

The truth is, whether your motivation is MONEY, marketing, or something else, you CAN and should self-publish Kindle books, documents, and content.

The funny thing is, there are a LOT of secret strategies, gurus, gimmicks, and gizmos that promise you fame and fortune if you can ONLY follow their system, while the REAL secret is much simpler than you can imagine.

These are the 2 big things I learned from writing my own books…and helping clients do the same quickly and easily.

1 – MUST write in multiples or in a series. The truth is, cross-selling books is the SECRET to long-term success on Amazon or self-publishing in general. Yes, you can get lucky and have a ONE shot wonder and do it very well. But SMALL, consistent sales across multiple titles are the REAL key to long-term publishing profits…and every time you sell ONE book, there’s a good chance you’ll sell others in your catalogue, especially if your readers enjoy what they just finished! to read! (which is obviously your first priority when posting 🙂

2 – Focus on SPEED and on a system. I describe everything using what I call a “content cornerstone.” I break my entire topic down into easy to understand chapters…and then I dig deeper to make sure I have my content covered, in a way that is easy to read and understand.

3 – DO NOT try to “dump facts” everything you know about a niche, hobby or industry into one book. Break it down into multiple products, or multiple volumes, and have each book cover ONE specific solution, strategy, or area.

4 – DO the math before you write your books! For example, if you want to make 50K a year on Amazon, that SOUNDS daunting and “too good to be true” when you look at it at face value. Instead, think about the MATH and not the marketing. Selling 5 books at 2.99 a day is very, very easy to do in most niches under the sun. 5 books a day will get you about 12 dollars. When you scale that over 365 days per year, you can reasonably expect a book to bring in around 5k, EVEN if it’s an unknown bestseller, NOT and just does “okay” overall.

But, when you realize that you really can write a 15,000 word book every 10 days with EASE…and start focusing on MATHS, writing 10 books a year will give you your goal, even if nothing you write EVER it hits the news, or becomes famous.

The truth is, I’ve written over 5000 articles like THIS over the years, probably enough to fill 200 books, while running a real business too. It’s NOT hard, and it can be done in a few hours a day, and believe me when I say that if you enjoy writing and have something to say, it’s going to be the EASIEST money you’ll ever make and loads of fun to boot!

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