How not to go to hell?

First, let me tell you that heaven is real and hell is real. They are a real place, but they cannot be seen by our natural eyes, because they belong to the spiritual realm. Everyone who leaves this Planet Earth at some point or another will go to one of these two eternal places: HEAVEN AND HELL. They are eternal places and once you go there, you will not be able to return to this physical Planet Earth again forever. Let me now talk about how we can escape hell and go to heaven:

(1) Not going to hell is easier than you think.

(2) Some people believe that they have to obey the Ten Commandments throughout their lives in order not to go to hell.

(3) Some people believe that they must observe certain rites and rituals in order not to go to hell.

(4) Some people believe that there is no way we can know for sure whether or not we will go to hell.

(5) Some people believe that they have to do good works in order not to go to hell. How much? No one can tell, because God does not show the scale.

(6) Some people believe that it is God who chooses whom to take to heaven and whom to reject in hell. This is very dangerous because even if man does good and God changes his mind, he will send that person to hell. That is why these types of people who believe in this doctrine live in fear all the time while living on earth. No warranty.

(7) Some do not believe or do not want to believe that there is heaven or hell. So that they are not accountable to God and can live their own lives however they want. Actually, they fear hell, so to calm their heart they say it like this.

(8) Some people believe that if their good deeds outweigh their bad, then they can go to heaven. But if you ask them. What do your records show? They may say, “I don’t know why I can’t see my scale, so how can I know how many good works I can do to escape hell? Nor does God show me how I can know. In continual fear all his life. What if they understood That they had done 99 wrong and 98 right and had only one point to score and they died? Won’t they say, Oh God if you had shown me my scale, I would do a good thing to reach heaven.

(9) None of the above opinions are from the Bible. The Bible is very clear on how a person can avoid going to hell after death.

(10) The biblical point of view is very different and unique, where you can be sure right now if you are on your way to heaven or hell. In fact, you start living in heaven while you are on earth and when you leave this physical life you are in heaven. The moment you close your eyes on earth is the same moment you open your eyes in heaven. So, Christians can live in peace without fear while on earth they wait for God to call them Home. Heaven is our Father’s homeland where He, His angles and saints live.

(11) The Bible describes hell as a terrifying and horrible place. Hell is described as “everlasting fire” (Matthew 25:41), “unquenchable fire” (Matthew 3:12), “everlasting shame and contempt” (Daniel 12: 2), a place where “the fire is not quenched” (Mark 9: 44-49) and “everlasting destruction” (2 Thessalonians 1: 9). Revelation 20:10 describes hell as a “lake of burning sulfur” where the wicked are “tormented day and night forever and ever.” Hell is obviously a place to avoid.


The Bible tells us that God “prepared” hell for the devil and fallen angels after they rebelled against Him (Matthew 25:41). God never sends anyone to hell. Those who reject God’s offer of forgiveness, which is a FREE GIFT from our loving Heavenly Father, will suffer the same eternal fate of the devil and fallen angels. The Lord offers life and death and says, you choose, but He also tells us what to choose. He says: Choose the life that is Jesus Christ, who is God’s solution for humanity from the eternal torments of hell.


All sin is ultimately against God (Psalm 51: 4), and since God is an infinite and eternal being, only an infinite and eternal penalty is sufficient. Hell is the place where God’s holy and just demands for justice are carried out. Hell is where God condemns sin and all who reject it. The Bible makes it clear that we have all sinned (Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3: 10-23), so we all deserve to go to hell as a result.


Since only an infinite and eternal penalty is enough, an infinite and eternal price must be paid. God became a human being in the Person of Jesus Christ (John 1: 1, 14). In Jesus Christ, God lived among us, taught us, and healed us, but those things were not His final mission. God became a human being so He could die for us. Jesus, God in human form, died on the cross. Like God, His death was infinite and eternal in value, paying the full price for sin (1 John 2: 2). God invites us to receive Jesus Christ as Savior, accepting His death as full and just payment for our sins. God promises that everyone who believes in Jesus (John 3:16), trusting only in Him as the Savior (John 14: 6), will be saved, that is, they will not go to hell.


No never. God does not want anyone to go to hell (2 Peter 3: 9). That is why God made the ultimate, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice for us. If you don’t want to go to hell, receive Jesus as your Savior. It’s as simple as that. Tell God that you recognize that you are a sinner and that you deserve to go to hell. Declare to God that you are trusting Jesus Christ as your Savior. Thank God for providing for your salvation and deliverance from hell. Simple faith, trusting Jesus Christ as the Savior, is the way to avoid going to hell.

(16) It is very easy to go to heaven, but difficult to go to hell. Jesus made all the provision for everyone to go to heaven. The wages of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ Our Lord.

(17) Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. He is the ONLY one who came to pay for the sins of the whole world because God loves all the people of the world.

(18) Remember that the Savior must be free from sin at birth and life. How can a sinner be the savior of mankind? The Bible says that ALL are sinners (Romans 3:23). So NO MAN could be qualified to be the savior. Many may call themselves saviors, but a sinner cannot be a savior. So, God Himself came in the person of Jesus Christ and became the savior of mankind.

(19) ONLY the birth of Jesus was a miraculous birth. No man was born like Jesus was born. He was the only One who was born without a human father or the seed of man. It has to be born that way because through the seed of man sin entered the world.

(20) The Holy Spirit came upon Mary and she conceived the baby in her womb. Jesus is the human part of Christ. So God Himself provided the savior according to God’s ways. We only need to believe and receive God’s savior and God grants us salvation.

(21) Going to heaven is not based on our works of goodness because no one is good by God’s standard. God requires His own standard for God to accept any human being in Heaven, which is a holy place like God. No man can stand before God according to his own human standards. So God sent Jesus and when we believe in Jesus, God accepts us based on God’s standard because Jesus is God’s standard. Jesus himself becomes our righteousness.

(22) God sees us in Christ who is the righteousness of God and we are saved. God has already made a provision for EVERYONE to go to heaven. But, her man’s choice to accept or reject him. You don’t earn your way to heaven. It is a GIFT from our loving Heavenly Father.

(23) Your earthly riches cannot grant you a place in heaven. Nothing in this world can grant you heaven. Some think of buying heaven. Imperishable Heaven cannot be bought with temporary and perishable things from this earth. Your earthly rewards, certificates, your money, silver or gold, your earthly achievements, your killing of people, your good works, rites or rituals, your religion cannot take you to heaven. God is not selling heaven. He is offering it as a FREE GIFT to all those who believe in Their Savior – OUR LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST!

(24) You know that if people qualify to go to heaven based on their own merits, everyone will boast in heaven. Some will say: You know how I got to heaven, I fed so many people, some will say, that’s nothing, yaar, you know how I got to heaven, I did so many good deeds and so on. Everyone will brag about themselves. No one will praise God, but will begin to praise himself. What a horrible place heaven will become. These kinds of negative qualities of pride and boasting are the character of the devil who cannot enter heaven. To humble us, none of the achievements of man can grant us heaven. Only by his grace are we saved and can enter heaven, so all who enter heaven will say. I was fit for hell, but by His grace He saved me, ALL GLORY FOR GOD ONLY!

25) A person who has gone to hell will mourn all his eternity when he realizes that it was not his sin that led him to that terrible place of eternal agony and torment, but HIS REJECTION of God’s Savior – OUR LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST. he may bow down to Jesus in hell when he comes to know that Jesus was waiting all the time for him to receive him with open arms, but he would not believe it. Jesus was all the time offering him salvation and free heaven after having passed through such a cruel cross to pay the penalty for man’s sins, but he trampled on the blood of Jesus and trampled His blood like dust so that he would have to suffer the torments from hell forever. . Prayer or belief in hell cannot save you. It’s too late! One day EVERY KNEE WILL BOW (both in Heaven and Hell) AND EVERY TONGUE WILL CONFESS THAT JESUS ​​CHRIST IS THE LORD for the glory of Our Father. Why not believe now, before it’s too late?

(26) No one on this earth can change that place or take that place of hell for you. Neither your money, nor your fame, nor your name can free you from the torments of hell.

(27) That is why I want to warn all human beings that no one needs to go to hell, yet many go from Broadway to hell just because they don’t know the truth. The devil is doing his best to hide this eternal truth, which is the Light of God that can deliver people from the devil’s kingdom of darkness to the glorious place of Heaven.

(28) If you miss heaven; NEVER MISS HELL because these are the ONLY two eternal places to live after a human leaves this temporary physical body and this temporary physical planet earth.

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