Exercising without a gym

Do you want to start working out, but there is no gym available? Well, the good news is that there are a LOT of exercises you can do that don’t require weights or equipment. You can get a great exercise at home or even in the office. There’s no excuse not to get moving, so get started today! Here’s a list of exercises you can do anywhere!

1.BENDING PUSH-UPS. Push-ups are a classic exercise! I love these, because they are a basic training exercise. (I’m all about core workouts!) Pushups work the chest, back, abdominal muscles, and triceps, as well as a bit of the biceps. It is a complete training. You are even using some of your leg muscles to stabilize your body. If you’re thinking, “Oh man, I can’t even do a pushup.” It’s okay, we all have to start somewhere. You can start with push-ups on your knees and build up. Most people know what a push up is, but I’ll describe it just in case. Start with your palms facing the ground. Raise your knees and keep your hips down. With your arms fully extended up, allow your arms to bend to a ninety-degree angle and press your body up.

2. SQUATS. Squats are great for working the legs and abdominal muscles. Be sure to squat down, as if you were sitting on a chair. You should place your knees on your heels, not on your toes. It takes some practice, so if this is difficult, you can find a wall and do this against the wall. Lean your back against the wall and walk with your feet out. Allow your body to slide down the wall as if you were sitting in a chair.

3.ABDOMINALS. There are so many different variations of abdominal work that you can do without any weight! You can do the basic crunches. Most people know what they are. With your knees bent, you can lift your body off the ground and back down. This basic exercise works the abdominal muscles. If crunches are too much, start with crunches. You can also try placing your hands under your hips in a lying position, and then with your legs straight, lift them into the air. Lower them to about six inches off the ground and raise them up again.

These are just three of the countless exercises you can do anywhere. You don’t need a gym to work out unless you need the motivation to go!

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