Ethical man outdoors

What is an ethical outdoorsman, what does that mean? Surely you have the regulations and laws of hunting and fishing. It is very important that nature lovers know the laws and regulations of the area in which they are hunting or fishing and that we follow them to the letter. Things like always having the license, proper permits and tags, open seasons, open areas, bag limits, size or space limits, catch and release regulations, etc.

And these regulations will vary from state to state, county to county, and even lake to lake.

It is your responsibility, as an ethical nature lover, to know before you go. It’s easy to get a copy of your state’s or any other state’s hunting or fishing regulations online.

But being an ethical outdoorsman goes far beyond written laws and regulations. It comes from your heart and soul and who you are as a person, it comes from your love of the outdoors. It’s about doing the right thing when no one is looking and when they are looking too. It is about honesty, respect, caring and courtesy. It’s about how you value your time outdoors and that of others.

The ethical outdoorsman cares about the land and resources and maintains them for future generations. Nature lovers are the original conservationists and have always been good stewards of the land and its resources. Ethical nature lovers have been making a difference since the early 20th century. At this time in our history, most deer, elk, turkey, antelope, bison, and various other wildlife species were all but wiped out by early settlers and commercial hunters.

That’s when the ethical sportsman and outdoorsman spoke and Congress listened. Sponsored by Senator Key Pittman of Nevada and Representative A. Willis Robertson of Virginia, the Pittman-Robertson Act was born. Then signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on September 2, 1937. This law saved America’s wildlife and helped restore populations that had been wiped out.

Many groups, foundations, associations and organizations of nature lovers have done more than anyone else to preserve and improve habitat. Groups like The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, Whitetail Unlimited, Bone-fish and Tarpon Trust, Pheasant Forever, The National Wild Turkey Federation, Bass Anglers Sportsman Society, and hundreds, if not thousands, of other groups spend millions of dollars and untold hours of volunteer work in the improvement and restoration of habitat that benefits all wildlife, both game and non-game species. Many of these groups actually buy large tracts of land to ensure that it remains wild and undeveloped for future generations.

The ethical nature lover respects resources and does not abuse them. Waiting for the right shot for a quick and clean harvest of wildlife, and not taking a bad shot that could injure an animal. Always track a shot for as long as it takes to find the animal or be 100% sure it missed clean. We owe this effort to the magnificent animals we hunt, as they are a valuable resource. Also, hurting an animal and not finding it will make you feel like crap, or at least it should.

Respect the wildlife you are chasing and all other wild animals you encounter. Enjoy the spectacle that mother nature offers only for nature lovers. Experience the things few people will ever experience.

Always remember that they are all God’s creatures and we are privileged to be among them. It’s okay to say a prayer for the soul of an animal you just hunted and give thanks for a successful hunt. It’s also okay not to have filled out your tag, but still have a great hunt and some good memories.

Remember, it’s not about killing something, it’s about time spent outdoors enjoying all the beauty and splendor Mother Nature has to offer. Take the time to see it all, enjoy the whole experience and you will learn something new every time and make memories to last a lifetime.

Respect your follower outdoors. Always have the courtesy to give your spot to other hunters or anglers. If he arrives at his spot and someone is already there, the ethical outdoorsman will back off and try somewhere else. Just as you would expect them to if you were already there.

Don’t go harassing another fisherman because he’s fishing and you’re not. We’ve all seen or had the guy who sees you catch a fish and comes and casts it right in front of you. Don’t be that guy!

And if you hunt with a quad or side by side, always remember that you are not the only one out there. These ATVs can be a great tool when used correctly, or a major nuisance to others when abused.

A great example of abuse happened to me and a fellow hunter a few years ago. When we were hunting Whitetail Coues on national forest land near the border in southern Arizona, my friend and I parked off the road at the top of a hill. We hiked about 45 minutes into the canyon and found a nice spot where three draws came together in the main canyon.

We set up under some small trees ready for the deer to move, when we thought we heard a quad bike. The sound of the quad kept getting closer, then out of nowhere a quad appeared next to him with a loaded rifle on the handlebars. We jump out of the trees and mark it as hell. We proceeded to inform the young man that he was breaking the law. He had no idea what we were talking about. We told him that on National Forest land it was illegal to leave the roads, but he still didn’t seem to understand or care. He took off and rode over the next ridge, then the next. We were so angry that we went back to camp before doing anything we would regret.

The next morning we decided to hunt in a nearby wilderness area because vehicles are not allowed. On our way to where we would park at the edge of the wilderness, I looked in my rearview mirror and saw four quads coming up behind us. We parked and started to head out into the wilderness when we saw the four quads coming off a ridge into the wilderness. Mobile phones did not work and there was no hunting, fishing or forestry service anywhere. We were so angry that we went back to the camp, packed up our things and went home. These four wild cards and their quads had completely ruined a hunt we had been looking forward to all year. So as an ethical outdoorsman, know and follow the rules and laws and be courteous to others.

Catch and release is a great way to respect and preserve a resource. There’s nothing wrong with keeping some fish to take home, but only take what you need. And always know the bag limits and size limits for the water you’re fishing in. Always release the big, trophy fish. With the replicas you may have made by now, all you need is a photo and measurements of the length and girth and you can make a mount.

Trust me, releasing a bass over ten pounds feels great and knowing that it will be there to lay its eggs again next spring makes it feel even better. Just make sure you have good photos.

One more thing I would like to say about being an ethical outdoorsman is to always leave it as you found it. Pack it in and out, leaving no trace. When you go outside, you shouldn’t be able to tell someone was there. Pick up your trash, shell casings, and anything else you brought or left behind.

There are many people and groups that would like to take away your right to hunt or fish or even own a gun and they are well funded and will stop at nothing. It depends on the use, the ethical nature lover take the right path and always show the best of the nature lover. And to teach the young outdoorsman the right way to become the next generation of ethical outdoorsman.

There are so many things that make an ethical outdoorsman. These are just a few of the more obvious ones. The best thing to do when faced with a situation where you are not sure what to do is to look within and do what you know in your heart is the right thing to do. Do this, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming an ethical outdoorsman.

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