Effects of obesity and health risks

Obesity restricts a person’s mobility and increases the risk of developing or worsening many serious conditions or diseases such as anxiety, hypertension, sleep disorders, blood sugar, and even cardiovascular disease (heart problem) due to excess bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides. Obesity is also the leading cause of joint problems, especially the knee joints.

Prevention and control of obesity

Modify lifestyle

Get up early in the morning and drink lots of water. To get rid of stress, laughing every day is essential. Control anger and anxiety by avoiding the situation, staying calm, or taking deep breaths. Brisk walking in the morning for twenty minutes or jogging, along with stretching exercises, asanas and yoga (PRANAYAM) is the best way to prevent obesity. Do not watch television while eating food. Avoid spicy and oily foods and sleep after two hours of dinner. By following the four “Mool Mantras” of ancient India “Niyam, Sanyam, Swad and Swabhav” most diseases can be prevented. Balanced diet Changing eating habits will rejuvenate energy and strengthen the soul and willpower. Our hours for breakfast and meals should be fixed and we should eat meals only when the stomach is empty. In daily life we ​​must eat foods from all the food groups such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and low-fat dairy products. We must see that the carbohydrate intake in our diet cannot exceed the limit. We must promote the intake of raw green fruits and vegetables to reduce the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides and prevent cardiovascular diseases and obesity. The regular use of lemon and honey is also very effective in controlling obesity.

yoga and exercises

Exercises and yoga play an important role in the treatment of obesity. Exercises and yoga stimulate the body and create the hormones necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system, the heart, the brain, the kidneys and all the other organs of our body. Brisk walking in the morning for twenty minutes or jogging, along with stretching exercises, asanas and yoga (PRANAYAM) is the best way to prevent disease and control obesity. Various yoga techniques can be practiced effectively to reduce weight. Following Yoga positions or postures are especially helpful in reducing fats in various parts, especially when bending forward, twisting and bending backwards. Asanas help reduce fat near the abdomen, hips, and other areas.

Surya Namaskar / Salute to the Sun

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is the best way to burn calories and reduce weight. It is useful for people of all ages, from children to the elderly.


Ek Pad pUtanasana

Pawanamuktasana ——- Pregnant women should not do this asana.

Pada Sanchalasana (Cycling)

People suffering from obesity can practice Pranayama Kapalbhati, Bhastrika and rapid breathing; These Pranayama help burn fat.

These yoga asanas should be avoided by people suffering from high blood pressure, severe heart conditions, and back problems such as sciatica and slipped disc or shortly after abdominal surgery. All asanas and exercises must be learned from any guru and practiced under his guidance.

Regular exercises, yoga, and meditation are also very helpful in controlling psychological factors such as depression, anxiety, stress, and anger. Exercises and yoga are also very effective in controlling diseases for hereditary and genetic reasons. For medical conditions, consult a qualified physician. For more details and anti-obesity products, you can visit my website.

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