Earn extra money or start a home business from your kitchen, garden, hobby or craft

For those who want to make money with a home business because they need (or like) to work from home, the new century (even in the slow economy) has created a surprising number of home business possibilities that allow people to generate income. full time. , earn extra money to pay off debt (like paying off a credit card or student loan), or get a regular second stream of income, like retirement income from your crafts, cooking, hobbies, or gardening.

Today, society strongly demands items that have one or more of the following qualities: locally grown, organic, one-of-a-kind, traditional family recipe, eco-friendly, health-promoting natural, handmade, made at home or artisan. And these products can be for the bathroom, home care or a food product. See the real life examples below.

Many who desire a work at home situation have never been short on talent with cooking, crafts, gardening, etc. But in the past, homemade was not in fashion, while now it is appreciated again. Work from home situations seemed strange, but now the work from home business looks promising. Before it was difficult to reach customers with advertising, now there is free or almost free communication on the Internet that reaches the world for almost anyone. Climbing the corporate ladder was once a great aspiration.

Now, we are in a small business, small business, entrepreneurship, and home-based business renaissance. It is accepted and desired.

Whether it’s the young, retired, or work-at-home moms and dads, this is how they do it.

They design their own “value-added organic microfarm business”, whether urban, small town or rural. They choose a food product, a handmade gift, a homemade spa product, something they are good at. They grow or raise some of the ingredients from their own garden, greenhouse, small acreage, or even urban rooftop garden. That is the segment of “organic micro farms”. They then turn it into a product instead of selling the “crop” as a raw material. Which means they turn garden crops into a craft food, turn herbs into a spa product or a gift product. That is the “value added” segment. They then give samples to potential customers until they get it right, then sell to local niche markets or unusual shared interest groups, such as local day spas, local bed and breakfasts, local restaurant chefs, spiritual groups, local massage therapists, etc. local staff. heads, that’s the “business” segment.

These are some real life examples.

– A woman with a small subdivision backyard grows wildflowers, collects the seeds, and sells her own handmade flower seed greeting cards as corporate and wedding party gift cards as a small work-from-home business.

– A single mom at home runs a wheatgrass growing business in her basement that sells freshly cut wheatgrass to people interested in natural health.

– A work-at-home farm mom wanted her own private home business, so she now earns a projected $65,000 a year from two acres of greenhouses and outdoor gardens, selling vegetables to local restaurants year-round.

– A man in Canada grows traditional vegetables in a few small urban gardens, calling this “rotary farming,” and reports earnings of $50,000 a year from his home-based business.

– People now love handmade spa and bath products, and at the same time are interested in natural health products and herbs that are put on the skin. A housewife grows herbs known for skin health and makes artisan soaps to sell to local bed and breakfasts, small local inns, to individuals for personal use in the home, and as gift basket items.

– A woman who loves herbal gardening grows native sage and makes sage soy candles in her workshop-turned-garage for a small but global spiritual group that loves the essence of sage.

– A small acreage lavender herbal farm produces lotions and oils for massage therapists.

– An herb gardener teaches classes on growing, harvesting, and cooking with herbs from her own backyard herb garden as her home-based business.

– A housewife who wanted a part-time family business at home grows a large vegetable garden and allows her church members to pick them. She always plants a small section for the local food bank.

Each of these people creates their own independent family business or small business. They don’t pay a fee to a larger company to sell the same products that everyone else is selling. Instead, they grow, handcraft, and sell something unique to themselves and their communities.

Could your garden, hobby, culinary talent, craft, or secret family recipe be the answer to your desire to work from home, pay off credit card debt, supplement family income, save for a big vacation, or even earn income for yourself? additional alternate healing?

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