Correct posture using tailored Pilates programming to reduce back pain and tense and painful shoulders

Unfortunately, tight shoulders and back pain are not uncommon in today’s society. In our fast-paced, high-stress desk jobs, it’s not uncommon to sit for several hours at a time, leading to hunched and hunched shoulders and back, respectively. This amount of time spent in one position can greatly affect our posture, causing significant negative changes in spinal curvature and shoulder tension. A specific type of exercise called Pilates might be your best bet for not only preventing further damage, but also reducing current symptoms of pain and tension caused by poor posture.

Correct posture is defined as an optimal position when sitting, standing, and moving to resist the forces of gravity acting on our bodies. When sitting or standing, our spine should have two posterior curves, a slight curve in the thoracic region (T1-T12 discs), a fixed curve in the sacral region (S1-S5 discs), and two anterior curves, one slight curve in the cervical region (C1-C7 discs) and a more aggressive curve in the lumbar region (L1-L5 discs). Any manipulation of these curves refers to poor posture that must be modified to obtain optimal force absorption capabilities. These abnormalities can be detected from the neck and shoulders, to the lower back and pelvis. This means that the entire spine can potentially suffer from one area of ​​imbalance.

Poor posture negatively affects the body in several ways. Back, neck and shoulder pain are the most common complaints of those who suffer from poor posture. Sitting for long periods of time causes compression and misalignment of the spine and the soft tissues located within it, which decreases the body’s ability to move freely through a full range of motion. Tension headaches are another observable setback caused by poor posture. Because people tend to put a lot of tension and stress on their neck and shoulders, the supporting muscles of the head become fatigued, leading to a tension headache. However, poor posture causes more than just structural problems. Even your digestive system, especially your intestines, is reduced to its full potential due to the added pressure and restrictions acting on your body. If you have digestive issues, it may be time to check and see if poor posture is the responsible cause.

After observing the falls of a bad posture, we must learn to fix it and correct it properly. Pilates fitness has scientifically proven the benefits and improvements it can have on people with poor posture. Pilates is known as “Contrology” which means that the highest level of muscle control is developed through this system of exercises. When you can fine-tune muscle control, other skills such as core strength, stamina, and balance begin to develop, and each of these components is crucial to progressing toward good posture.

Pilates also focuses on promoting consistent and balanced musculature throughout the entire body by increasing core strength. As additional muscles are engaged through specific exercises, the body begins to align and support itself properly, and inflammation, tightness, and weakness begin to fade. This emphasizes hip, spine and shoulder alignment, helping to eliminate the side effects of spinal compression and shoulder strain from sitting for long periods of time. In addition to core strength and structure, other fitness goals can be achieved by beginning a Pilates program.

Pilates, like other types of exercise programs, requires some time and effort to get the best results. Patterns of focused mind, work, and dedication are practiced when beginning a Pilates program. Working with a professionally trained Pilates instructor is your best bet to start seeing positive changes in your lifestyle and reduce back pain and tight, painful shoulders. While many instructors may claim to be Pilates experts, it’s crucial to make sure they have proper practice certification. Pilates is a very advanced and developed method of exercise and working with the most skilled people will improve your experienced results faster.

If you suffer from neck tension, sloping shoulders, or back pain, consider trying Pilates to improve your posture. Observable benefits can reduce pain and tension in the back, shoulders, and spine, correct posture, and improve muscle tone, self-esteem, confidence, digestion, breathing, and flexibility. These factors can greatly influence your quality of life and lead to a healthier and more fit lifestyle. Instead of continuing to suffer from frozen shoulder and back pain and increasing the severity of your symptoms, learn more about Pilates and make the change in your life to see these desirable benefits.

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