After Bariatric Surgery: The Importance of Bariatric Surgery

Sometimes a weight problem is difficult to solve by traditional means and bariatric surgery becomes a serious option. Before you take the plunge, there are a few things you’ll need to understand, such as the drastic dietary changes that will need to occur after surgery. The amount of food you will be able to eat will be greatly reduced, which means that you will have to eat smaller, healthier portions that contain a higher level of protein. Alternatively, you can take protein supplements, both with meals and as meal replacements.

Surgery, especially bariatric surgery, will take a toll on your body and require serious recovery. You’ll need plenty of protein to help you recover and build your muscles for the changes that will follow. Protein will also give you a lot of energy. Just remember that when a low-calorie diet includes protein-rich foods, the protein must be eaten first.

In general, a fit adult will require between 50 and 75 grams of protein per day. After bariatric surgery, you will need even more, something on the order of 100 grams per day. Foods high in protein, unfortunately, can also be high in calories. You can get around that difficulty with protein supplements.

What protein supplement is best for you?

When it comes to protein supplements, you have several options available to you. It will take some research to find out which one will work best for you. Talk to your doctor or dietitian about creating a post-surgery menu that incorporates protein supplements. With the help of your doctor, you’ll be able to find out which protein supplement will best complement your weight loss strategy. The types of protein supplements available are: whey, soy, rice, egg, and casein.

Whey: Whey is also called complete protein. It contains the full set of eight essential amino acids, as well as all fourteen non-essential amino acids. It is easy to digest, so its effect is very fast. Whey is derived from milk as a byproduct of cheese production, so if you are lactose intolerant or have dairy allergies, whey is not the choice for you.

Casein: Like whey, casein is also derived from milk. In fact, casein is what produces whey. Casein takes longer to digest than whey, about seven to eight hours, but its effects last longer. Some even say that whey and casein combined produce the best possible results. There are some lactose intolerant people who can use casein, but if you have life-threatening allergies, it is recommended that you use another supplement.

Soy: Another complete protein is soy protein. Since it is a plant-based protein, those of you who are vegetarians may find this to be the perfect supplement. It also works well for those who are lactose intolerant and those who are allergic to dairy and milk products. If you’re trying to follow a diet that’s low in carbs and calories but high in protein, this is a good choice: soy is also gluten-free and low in fat. Some who use soy as a supplement report digestive problems. If this were your case, try another protein supplement.

Rice: Lactose intolerants, vegetarians, or anyone with dairy allergies would benefit from rice protein supplements. In fact, rice prevents most allergies, because the supplement is hypoallergenic. It is perfect for certain special diets after bariatric surgery as it does not contain saturated fat or cholesterol. Rice also has a fairly low glycemic index, so anyone needs to monitor their blood glucose levels.

Egg: In the days before protein supplements were formulated, eggs were the protein-rich food of choice for many. The protein in eggs has the full spectrum of eight essential amino acids, which is why many protein supplements are made from egg proteins. Of course, those who have allergies to eggs or poultry products should avoid egg supplements of any kind.

Protein supplements instead of meals

Protein supplements have come a long way since their inception. Those of you who are interested in taking a protein supplement instead of a meal have many options. Stores carry a wide variety of delicious protein snacks, as well as protein bars specifically designed to replace a meal. These bars also contain vitamins and other nutrients you’ll need to get you through the day.

A popular way to take a protein supplement is in the form of shakes, smoothies, or shushies. Protein powder, often in flavors like chocolate, vanilla, or berry, is very nutritious as well as providing you with the protein you need. Mixed with some other healthy ingredient like juice, yogurt, berries, or milk, they are fully capable of replacing a meal, nutrient-wise. One of the big advantages is that these supplements have far fewer calories, cholesterol, and carbohydrates than you would get from a more traditional meal. Milk and yogurt are also quite high in protein on their own, so supplements that can be used with those ingredients will give you a particularly strong boost.

There are also liquid protein supplements that come pre-mixed, making them ready to drink and easy to take on the go. As with the unmixed types, they come in a variety of flavors. These liquid supplements are usually milk-based, so be careful if you have dairy allergies or lactose intolerance. If that is your case, you should get your liquid protein based on soy, rice or eggs.

One liquid protein supplement that you must try is Proasis. Proasis, a totally natural and preservative-free supplement. It is hypoallergenic, 100% natural, wheat free, yeast free, and gluten free. So people with allergies don’t have to worry. It is also available in several refreshing flavors.

Protein supplements with your meals

A post-bariatric surgery diet should be low in calories and rich in protein. Your diet will undergo a big change, it will become healthier and will include many protein-rich foods such as meat, poultry, eggs, fish and milk. Protein supplements can also help you complete your diet with adequate protein intake. Protein will not only help you feel full faster so you can avoid snacking, but it will also ensure that you get adequate nutrition to recover from surgery.

Protein Powers are a quick and easy way to give your meals that much-needed protein boost. They may come flavored, but unflavored is best to add to a meal. Just add them to your favorite recipes and chances are they won’t even notice. Add a couple of tablespoons to a bowl of soup, a glass of skim milk, or any amount of food to easily meet your protein requirement for the day.

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