Advances in opioid withdrawal treatment

New trends in drug abuse across the country have caused law enforcement and the healthcare industry to combine their efforts to combat the problem. Narcotics, such as oxycontin, hydrocodone, and heroin, have led the country into an opioid addiction crisis. Due to its debilitating physical and mental withdrawal symptoms, medical providers over the years have sought various methods to alleviate the effects. One current model uses the drug Suboxone and is being praised by doctors and patients alike because of the relatively high success rates and low risks. To understand the evolution of opioid withdrawal treatment, it is important to understand the causes behind the changes.

The pipeline from the pharmacy to the street

In recent years, prescriptions for pain relievers have been on the rise across the country. According to an audit, between 1991 and 2013, the numbers almost tripled, from 76 million prescriptions to almost 207 million. Patients report that heroin use is a dangerous but viable replacement because it is cheaper and more accessible. In addition, the addition of other more powerful opioids such as fentanyl and carfentanil have appeared on the streets. Simply put, the increase in prescriptions and the development of other opioids have increased the amount of abuse.

Comparative Maintenance Risks

Methadone maintenance therapy was once a standard medical approach to the problem of addiction. This type of therapy provides patients with a structured dosing protocol in an outpatient setting. As a form of opioid withdrawal treatment, methadone allows people to gradually reduce their doses until they are ready to stop taking it. However, there are some risks. The drug has the potential for abuse and has led to overdose deaths. Although methadone purports to be a safer substitute for more harmful narcotics, users report that withdrawal symptoms are more intense and prolonged when methadone is not taken correctly.

Advances in Pharmacology and Consciousness

Suboxone, the current leader in opioid withdrawal treatment, is the combination of two chemicals: buprenorphine, a synthetic, and naloxone, which acts as a blocker. Due to its unique chemical structure, suboxone does not produce the “high” associated with other opioids. Instead, it relieves withdrawal symptoms by binding to necessary pain receptors while allowing other receptors to rejuvenate, therefore working to lessen detoxification symptoms. In addition, the ceiling effect of suboxone reduces the risk of overdose and abuse. Naloxone blocks the effects of opioids in the body and, in turn, removes the patient’s option to return to the illicit drug of her choice.

the new hope

Over the years, opioid withdrawal treatment has changed to meet the demands of trends in drug abuse. Law enforcement agencies are helping direct people to treatment, while doctors and medical centers provide psychotherapy, participation in 12-step groups, and low-risk chemical management. What was once a dark time for the addict can now be filled with hope thanks to these new treatment methods.

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