5 health tips for the new year

1. Stay hydrated!

Hydration is necessary for all body systems (especially the brain) to function at optimal levels. I have had many clients with chronic conditions like arthritis, fatigue, and digestive issues improve their health simply by drinking more water! Adults should drink 1.5 to 2 liters (8 to 12 cups) of REGULAR filtered water per day; children should be encouraged to drink 1 liter (6 cups) per day. Beverages such as coffee, black tea, alcohol, and sodas have a dehydrating effect and should be consumed in moderation (for sodas, avoid altogether). Bonus Tip: Squeeze some lemon into a glass of water before breakfast to help detoxify your liver.

2. Eat right for your blood type

Many fad diets have come and gone, but this is a lifestyle diet that has been around for 40 years and has been scientifically proven to have a positive effect on your health. The basic premise of the diet is that the four blood types (O, A, B, AB) evolved at different times in history and are therefore better suited to the lifestyles prevalent at those times. The four blood types have different nutritional and exercise needs, predispositions to different types of disease, and react differently to various foods. If you are trying to lose weight, lower cholesterol, eliminate allergies, or have digestive problems, depression, or even trying to conceive, the blood type diet is highly recommended.

3. Hire a personal trainer

We all want to make changes in the New Year, especially when it comes to our health and wellness. Exercise benefits all parts of the body, including the mind. Sometimes we all need a little help with exercise, whether we’re just starting out or have been doing it for a long time. Hiring a personal trainer who can assess your needs, help instill discipline, and keep you motivated is a great idea and well worth the money. What you spend now to get in shape means you spend less on your health care later. How valuable is your health to you? Interview a few trainers and request a trial session.

4. The ZZZs of sleep

Not getting enough sleep will lead to an acceleration of the aging process, hormonal and metabolic problems, and a breakdown of mental processes. I can’t stress enough to all of my clients how important it is to get to bed BEFORE 11pm. The body goes through a natural cycle of repair and recovery between 11pm and 1am; it is necessary to be sleeping before that time so that the body can heal itself. How much sleep is required? Most of us need at least 9 hours, while some can do quite well with 7. Watching TV and/or playing video games can stimulate the brain, making it difficult to fall asleep; avoid them before bed. Eating late at night can also disrupt sleep and cause digestive problems such as hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) that manifests as hunger and sleep disturbances at night.

5. Emotional Detoxification – Body, Mind and Spirit

The start of a new year can be the catalyst for a new makeover of body, mind, and spirit. How was last year for you? If you had an extremely stressful one filled with anxiety, fear, and sadness, it’s time to emotionally detox! The Chinese believe that emotions, if not processed properly, can be stored in the body’s organs causing illness and disease. Anger is stored in the liver, fear in the kidneys, sorrow in the lungs, and worry in the spleen. Fortunately, there are many therapies that can help relieve our emotional stress, including life coaching, energy modalities like BodyTalk, meditation, and exercise.

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