You will never succeed doing your best

The word attempt it has such a noble connotation, but when you get down to business and really analyze the meaning, trying generates failure. It’s unfortunate because a lot of people hang their hats on him on the fact that tried its best but inherently failure is a likely outcome when one sort out.

I’m not a fan of Star Wars, but I have to say that Yoda was right when he said, “Do it or don’t do it. There is no attempt.” Take a moment to think about that. . . .

Here’s an example: when someone asks you to come in for dinner and you say, “I’m going to attempt“what are you really saying? The reality is that you will either go or you won’t go. So, are you going? Maybe, but probably not, if you were going you would have said, ‘Yes.’ not for sure.

trying implies an unsuccessful attempt. When used in the past tense, “I tried…” is almost always followed by a failure or an excuse and rarely a success. “I tried to get to the store, but my car broke down.” “I tried to make the game-winning shot, but he came up short.” Very rarely would you hear, “I tried to do a backflip, and I did.” No, you’d hear, “I did a backflip!” So why would anyone expect to have a different result (successful) when using the word in the present or future tense?

You must change your way of thinking and your attitude when approaching a task. Instead of telling yourself that you will attempt to do something, make the commitment to actually do it. Obviously this does not guarantee success but it does guarantee your effort. As a result of this, you will notice much more success for yourself because you have eliminated the inherent probability of failure. Failures will happen, they have to happen. And, if you fail, then you did your best and that’s okay, especially if you’ve learned something from it. But remember, as James Ray said, “tryingis failing with honor.”

So the next time you have to make a decision about an action to take, whether or not to take it, don’t attempt– You owe so much to yourself.

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