Wizzley Review

wizzley is an article writing platform that launched in May 2011. Through Wizzley, authors can write original articles, earn additional income through their work, and participate in the active community. Online blogging and article writing have become very popular over the years, providing an online outlet for authors to share their ideas and stories.

Wizzley, apart from being an article writing website, is also a revenue sharing site where a percentage of the advertising revenue is shared with its authors through the Google AdSense program. Additionally, authors can earn income through other reputable affiliate programs such as Amazon, Zazzle, and AllPosters.

Wizzley has strict rules and guidelines in terms of duplicate content. To be successful and maintain a good reputation with Wizzley, authors must write original and unique content, avoid excessive advertising, and write articles with a minimum of 400 words with correct grammar and spelling.

This article writing platform has several modules that allow authors to present their articles in a unique web page form. For example, articles can be displayed with images, videos, polls, duels, Google maps, RSS feeds, and more. Some of the modules are described below:

Text module: it’s probably the one you’ll use most often because, as the module’s name suggests, it’s where you’ll write your article content. The text module incorporates an HTML editor that allows you to change the font, color, size, etc. of the text, as well as insert appropriate hyperlinks and images.

Table of Contents module: allows you to insert an automatic table of contents with links for easy navigation through the article page. This is a very useful module, especially if you are writing a long article. This module is flexible enough to allow you to choose which sections of the article you want to include or exclude from the table of contents.

YouTube module: it is very useful if you are writing an article that requires visual instructions. This video module allows authors to embed YouTube videos in their Wizzley articles. Basically you choose which YouTube video you want to embed and then copy and paginate the link into the module.

Survey module: It allows you to create interesting polls to engage your readers and gives them a way to give their opinion on a particular topic. Polls are anonymous and can be placed anywhere in the article where you see fit.

grief module: Like the survey module, this module allows you to keep your readers interested and provide feedback in writing. The grief module is great when you are talking about a topic that requires constructive discussion. Essentially, this module has two sides (or columns) where each side debates its position on the issue.

Link List Module: is a module that allows you to create a hyperlink directory along with a description. Sometimes in an article, the author must provide a list of related books, songs, articles, etc. This module helps present that list with convenient referral links.

Modules to make money: allows you to use affiliate programs like Amazon, AllPosters and Zazzle to include appropriate products in your Wizzley item for which you will earn commissions. For example, if you are writing a book review, you can include the appropriate book from Amazon where the reader can click the link and purchase the book.

Other modules: there are several other article modules offered by Wizzley like Google Maps, Wikipedia, Blogger List, Flickr, RSS Feeds and others. Owners will also look to incorporate eBay.

The above Wizzley modules can be arranged in any sequence or order and can be moved by simply dragging and dropping the appropriate module to the desired location.

In general, what I like about the Wizzley article writing site is that it is easy to use and easy to use. However, if you are new to writing platforms, you may have to go through a short learning curve. That being said, the Wizzley community is helpful and you can use the forums to ask for feedback and help. If you have any questions about Wizzley, feel free to leave your comments below.

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