Wing Chun Punching Bag Training: Using a Wall Bag

Vital to every martial art is training your punches and using the Wing Chun punching bag is no different. There are many different types of bags and pads that you can use to train your Wing Chun striking, and to say that one is better than the other misses the point.

Together, heavy bags, wall bags, focus pads, etc., are all the keys to the puzzle that is… hit hard and fast with your Wing Chun punch.

This article will focus on some of the great training tips and secrets behind the wall bag (or sandbag), possibly the most popular and traditional Wing Chun training bag.

Filling up your wall bag

Depending on your instructor, lineage, and experience, you’ll hear a variety of fill-ins. On the harder end of the spectrum are those who recommend starting with something softer (eg, rice, mung beans, lentils), working your way down to sand, and then finishing with iron ball bearings.

Forget it.

Paralyzing your hand negates the point of martial arts training because it’s also about being healthy. Personally, a combination of dried beans and ropa vieja is right for me. A harder alternative my instructor once used was sand (the finer, the more densely packed your wall bag will get, and the harder it will become), however even sand can be detrimental to the health and circulation of your hands over time.

working on conditioning

While conditioning is merely a ‘secondary benefit’ and not the primary goal (ie hitting hard is the main reason we are training), there is a degree of conditioning that comes with all Wing Chun bag training. Keep an eye on your hands for cuts and scrapes that will take forever to heal if you don’t take care of them.

Mix up your punches with claps and chops on the wall bag, which helps prolong grueling wall bag training sessions, puts less stress on your knuckles, and rounds you out as a Wing Chun practitioner.

Mounting your WallBag

Many keen students have gone out and purchased a wall bag in an attempt to add Wing Chun punching bag training to their routine. Without thinking about where they will lodge it.

Obviously the wall bag is mounted on a wall, which is great for saving space; however, the impact noise will reverberate throughout your home and possibly your neighbors’ homes as well. Especially if you have a flat or apartment.

You have been warned.

Another option may include mounting it to a tree and I’ve known some crazy people stick their punching bag into trees. It is not good for the tree. Some stretchy bungee cords are perfect, however be sure to keep your dry wall bag to keep it and your fillings in good condition.

If your wall bag is filled with sand, moisture and rain will collect inside the bag making the contents look like concrete. Not great for your hands!

wall pocket sections

This type of Wing Chun punching bag comes in sections, usually one, two or three. Personal preference is always for a three section wall pocket so you can replicate the high, mid and lower gate strike. Not only does it add ability to mix up pitches, the variety makes training more interesting and valuable.

Wing Chun punching bag: Wallbag

The Wing Chun Wall Bag is one of many great training aids for adding power and poison to your punches. Versatile and fun, the bag adds great power to your punches, adds isometric force to your punches, and is a great way to isolate your arm punches.

Mixing heights and different hand shapes (punches, palms, chops, etc.) keeps your workout healthy and rewarding. And remember to take care of your hands, they are the tools of your trade and without their long term health – your Wing Chun punch will suffer and your training will slow down.

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