What if you could control a disease with your mind?

Most people are well aware of the power of suggestion. There is scientific proof that we have the potential to use our mind to heal ourselves from disease. What used to be considered pseudoscience is no longer so. An example of this is the placebo effect.
As stated in a Harvard Men’s Health Watch article called The Power of the Placebo Effect, “Your mind can be a powerful healing tool when given the chance. The idea that your brain can talk your body into a treatment “False is real: the so-called placebo effect, and therefore stimulating healing, has been around for millennia. Now, science has discovered that, under the right circumstances, a placebo can be just as effective as traditional treatments.” So, in essence, the placebo forms the suggestion that the body can heal, which then creates the intention for the body to heal itself. And everything we experience in life first begins with an intention.

I also recently read a great article called Psychoneuroimmunology: Laugh and Be
Well in today’s medical news written by Tim Neman. The field of psychoneuroimmunology, commonly known as PNI, is the link between neuroscience and the immune system. It is well known that continuous stress can wreak havoc on your body and induce disease. On the contrary, positive thoughts and happy moments can lower our stress and reduce illness. The mind has a huge impact on your health and now it has been shown through PNI, which is a self-improvement technique that uses guided imagery and visualization in a meditative state, it creates an increase in T4 fighter cell in the immune system. to bring you back to well-being. This is the use of the subconscious mind at its best!

If you are interested in reaping the benefits of meditation and finding balance in your life, you can now download two specific guided meditations that I have created to help heal your body using your subconscious mind. The first is a Guided Meditation Body Scan – Tension Release. This will help you see where you are holding the tension within your body, so that you can then visualize releasing it. The second is a guided meditation called Talk to Your Body: Invite It Back to Perfect Health. This is a meditation where you can use the power of your mind to reprogram what is not working properly in your body and visualize the body functioning perfectly in its Divine state.

Through these guided meditations, you will learn how to relax and release stress, create a conscious healing intention by using your unconscious mind, and develop a deeper concentration in mind/body exercise to help promote your own personal healing.

So live, love and laugh every day for better health! And as with all my articles, please share it with anyone you think might benefit.

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