What does a Facebook Like express?

My inspiration for that post originated from a recent SoLoMo Show podcast, hosted by Cory O’Brien and Adam Helweh. In my opinion, by far the best Podcast for Social Media Marketing. It covers current developments around social, local and mobile marketing and provides great recommendations for the most popular online tools. It is a must have for all online sellers so check it out.

Adam and Cory were discussing the meaning of a Facebook Like based on a recent case, where an MP was fired because he liked the opposition’s Facebook page. The whole conversation went in the direction of whether or not social media should be considered free speech. I don’t want to dive too deep into the subject, but I follow the thoughts. I wondered what a Facebook Like means to me. What emotions, feelings and expressions do I connect with a click on the famous button?

Facebook Statement on the Like Button

What is the like function?

“Like is a way to give positive feedback or connect with things that matter to you on or off Facebook. You can like content your friends post to give them feedback, or like a Page you share with them.” want to connect on Facebook”. Does “I like” mean anything? “Like under something you or a friend posts on Facebook is an easy way to let someone know you enjoy it, without leaving a comment.”

What does it mean to like a page or content outside of Facebook?

“When you like a Facebook page, ad or content, you are making a connection. A story about your like will appear on your wall (timeline) and may also appear in your news feed You may be shown on the Page you connected to, in ads about that Page, or in social plugins alongside the content you like… Facebook Pages you like may post updates to your news feed or send you messages shared with applications on the Facebook platform.”

Facebook’s official statement about its button is as rational as expected. The bottom line is that liking something is a kind of positive feedback for the things you care about. Clicking the Like button shows that you enjoy a post without commenting on it. It is very important the point that a like does not only appear on your own timeline and feed, but is also shared with third-party applications. A Like is not limited to your own Facebook community and can go a long way. Therefore, you should not underestimate the impact of a quick like.

When do you click the Facebook Like button?

There are different reasons for clicking the small button on a mouse or trackpad. Since Facebook’s language changed from “Become a fan” to “Like”, it could simply mean that you want to follow a brand or Page to get the latest updates. Pages often offer discounts or more information after you’ve liked their Page. Maybe you are really a fan of the organization, maybe it is fashionable to follow them, or the action is only based on giveaways from the page you like. Clicking the like button on a brand is a form of self-expression or public endorsement, simply a matter of individual interpretation.

Outside of Pages, a Like can mean you endorse a status, statement, image, or comment. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you really like the content posted, but you agree with it. Basically, it’s a quick and casual way to express approval and show your sympathy. For example, liking the status “your friend went from being in a relationship to being single” probably expresses your concern rather than liking the breakup (at least in most cases).

An ExactTarget study reveals interesting findings about what a Facebook Like means to users. They conclude that a Like is ambiguous and can have subtle variations in meaning that are highly dependent on context and the individual user. The study affirms that a Like is lighthearted, casual and fun and does not commit to anything.

“I like it, but in a different way”

I asked some of my friends what they thought when they clicked the Facebook Like button. I got different answers. Some act intuitively because they really like a page or post, others want to show their support for an action or share interests with their friends. My personal use of the button is pretty limited. I follow some brands because I really appreciate what they’re doing and want to keep up with their latest news. I like images and posts from friends in my network to express that I enjoy the contributions. In my perception, Facebook is still a social network, intended to entertain and allow us to connect with each other. Which means I don’t put too much weight on a like and just see it as a tool to share my interests with others.

When it comes to Pages, brands, or organizations, the perception of the Like button changes. Everyone should be aware that a casual click has a future impact and does not stay within Facebook. Still, brands shouldn’t exaggerate likes, as they can have entirely different motivations and it doesn’t necessarily mean people will support the page or become brand advocates. There is definitely a demand for a legal framework when it comes to future shares, likes and tweets.

Interpreting a like can probably end in an argument that lasts for hours. Ultimately, it depends a lot on the content that was liked and the person who liked it. I am very interested in your opinion. What do you express with a Facebook like? How do you use the small button? I appreciate your comments and, of course, a Like to this Post…

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