The love is for ever

My magical cat, Silver, approached me in a dream. And then he brought me Jezibel.

When my previous cat, Miss Winters, made the transition, I was deeply sorry. Friends kept calling me to tell me they knew of a cat that needed a home, but I knew she wasn’t ready for another. If she had taken another cat before she was done crying for Winter, she would have been comparing the new cat to her. That just wouldn’t be fair to the new cat.

A couple of years after Winter’s death, I had a dream about a gray cat. It was as if I was lying on the ground and the cat was walking towards me. That’s. About 15 seconds of a dream, but it stayed with me all that day and the next.

Three days after the gray cat dream, a woman I knew who worked at my vet’s office called me. “We have a cat here from the shelter that is ready to be adopted and I think you should take a look at it. His name is Silver Cloud.”

When he said his name, I was stunned. My first thought was, “It’s here! The gray cat from my dream is here … and I don’t even have cat food or a litter box!” I made arrangements to go see him the next day.

On the way to the vet’s office I stopped by to pick up a friend who wanted to go with me and see this dream cat I had told her about. When we got to the vet’s office, we walked in and were shown to a room with huge cages. The vet assistant pulled Silver out of a cage and gave him to me to hold. He was so excited that he could barely stay still, and he kept moving from my left shoulder to my right and back and then he flopped back and looked at me, almost like he couldn’t believe I was really there.

While this was happening, my friend was telling the vet and her assistant about a black cat she had had, but she gave up because she got married and her husband hated cats. He still deeply missed the cat. The vet’s assistant turned and pulled a small black cat out of another cage and handed it to my friend, probably hoping that she would fall in love with the cat and adopt it.

Before anyone could say a word, Silver saw the little cat, threw himself back into my arms, reached out and wrapped around the little cat’s neck and pulled her towards him. He began to lick her face as if covering it with kisses.

Both the vet and his assistant were stunned. “Those two cats have never seen each other,” the vet finally said.

We watched the love party for a while and I finally told them that I would take Silver with me and come back the next day to pick him up, having bought cat food and other essentials.

The next day I came to pick up the cat of my dream, but a surprise awaited me. “We let Silver and Jezibel, the little black cat, stay out of their cages in the room and play together, eat together, sleep together and basically they were inseparable … and you have to take them both,” said the vet announced. .

“No. I just want a cat,” I replied.

Well, this discussion went on for a while until he finally said, “You keep both of them or you won’t get Silver. I won’t even charge you for Jezibel.”

And so I ended up with two cats.

Fifteen years have passed since that day and every day I have been very grateful that the vet made me carry both cats. They have loved each other so much every day since that first day. They still sleep close to or next to each other, eat together, have lick parties, and basically just love each other.

Or they did, until yesterday. Recently, Jezibel had become weak, eating less and less, and beginning to have difficulty breathing. Soon it got so bad that she couldn’t cross the room without having to stop to catch her breath. So I took her to the vet yesterday and the determination was that she had a tumor that was causing fluid to fill the area around her heart and lungs, making it difficult for her to breathe. There was nothing that could be done to improve it. So my husband and I made the most difficult decision to allow the vet to put her to sleep.

I am very sad that I cannot enjoy Jezibel and the special connection we had. Still, I am grateful to be able to enjoy it for so many years. And I’m even more grateful to have been able to witness the deep and lasting love that she and Silver had for each other.

I think she and Silver had a communication towards the end about her departure from this plane. At one point, he just sat beside her silently as they looked into each other’s eyes. He doesn’t seem to miss her, doesn’t look for her or anything like that. I believe that when beloved pets transition, their spirit lingers for a period of time. It’s almost as if the pet wants to keep sharing his love for a while to help those left behind adjust to their loss. I think Silver feels like his spirit is still here … and so do I.

Remember … love is forever

While writing this article, I remembered another one that I wrote years ago after the death of a dear friend. One day I was talking to a wise friend about my reaction and my deep sorrow over the death of my other friend. I reflected on the fact that we either come from love or fear, and since this pain did not feel like love, it must be some kind of fear. But fear of what?

She did not disappoint and instantly gave me the wisdom I was looking for. “The pain,” he said, “is the fear of heartbreak.”

It makes a lot of sense. When someone, or something like a beloved pet that we love, dies, then we fear that the love we share with them will also die. But here’s the truth: once energy is created, it exists for eternity. Love, like all emotions, is energy. This means that when you lose someone or something you loved, the energy of that love still exists. And you can access it anytime you want to be able to enjoy it again.

It is easy. All you have to do is remember an instance or event with that person or thing that created the feeling of love within you. And you will feel it again in an instant, whenever you want. And the best part is that you can never, never lose a memory that creates the energy of love for you.

So if you feel yourself starting to sink into the sadness of grief, remember that it is a sign to you that you are afraid that you have lost love. Know that you can never lose love because it is eternal. And then remember a moment or an experience that brought you the feeling of love. By doing so, you will feel that love energy again.

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