The cheap and fast way to restore your bathroom or kitchen in one day

Bathroom refinishing equals efficient cost benefits.

Do your eyes hurt every time you look at your bathroom or kitchen? Are outdated colors, tarnished fixtures, and wear and tear detracting from your home’s value and appearance? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. And you might be tempted to completely replace the tiles, sinks, or tub in your bathroom or kitchen.

Why replace your bathroom fixtures when you can revamp them? One of the biggest advantages of refinishing your bathroom fixtures is the huge cost savings. If the job is done right, once it’s done, your bathroom or kitchen can look like new or better. On average, a person can save 60 to 70 percent of the cost of replacing those same accessories. Depending on where you are, the cost savings could be even greater.

Are you without your bathroom or kitchen accessories?

How about a day compared to a week, a month or more? During the process of a bathroom remodeling or kitchen remodeling job, your bathroom or kitchen may not be used for weeks. Refinishing your bathroom tub or shower and kitchen countertops will give your home the new look you want without the inconvenience of construction mess, wasteful spending, and much less loss of use during a total remodel project. . As an example, our process for restoring existing fixtures can typically be completed in one day. After 24 hours of cure time, you can start using your fixtures and countertops like you always have. The mess associated with a remodeling project can be easily avoided. Give your fixtures a fresh new surface with our miracle restoration method.

Excellence is there.

To ensure the best results, refinishing should always be done by a professional contractor. When considering restoration, a person wants to make sure they have the right equipment for the job. An experienced professional has mastered the restoration, finishing and resurfacing of existing countertops, sinks, bathtubs and showers. Over the years, there have been many companies claiming to be restoration contractors; be sure to check their references when looking for them. A reputable refinishing contractor will have liability insurance, workers’ compensation for their employees, and plenty of references from previous clients. Be sure to call some of the contractor’s past clients for references. Be sure to ask them about the company you are considering, ask about the quality of their work, whether the work was done in a timely manner, and what the condition of the work space was when they left. These are just a few of the items to consider when considering your options before choosing a contractor for yourself.

Avoid disaster.

There are plenty of DIY kits for refinishing your own countertops and other sundries on the market today. I’m not saying they won’t work, but the quality of the finished product will not be as good as a qualified and experienced professional contractor. DIY kits require the homeowner to use acids and other dangerous chemicals. When handling harmful chemicals, if the proper steps are not followed exactly, you can jeopardize the adhesion of the finished product or harm your health. With a professional painter on the job, they apply the product designed specifically for the application. Training over time in the use of the products and chemicals used in preparing the surfaces to be restored will help prevent unwanted hazards or effectiveness. A refinishing contractor will use a form of HVLP (High Volume Low Pressure) system that will allow the new surface to be smooth and have a like-new appearance. The DIY kit will require the homeowner to mix the product and apply it with a brush and roller. The product is somewhat self-leveling but when it is dry you will be able to see the brush strokes.

Hopefully this will help in the decision-making process when it comes to remodeling your bathroom or kitchen, to help you get it right. Whether you want to revive an old cast iron clawfoot tub, refinish your marble counter, put a protective coating on your tile, or refinish your old sink, we’re here to help with your renovation needs.

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