The best modern biographical films on satellite TV

The biopic is an interesting variety of movies. It is literally a biographical picture, showing the life of a famous personality on the big screen for the whole world to see. What is interesting about these films is the representation of how the Hollywood stars of today can channel the great characters of the past. A lot of biopic has been made, and they’ve experienced something of a revival as of late. These stories cover everyone from famous sports stars to war heroes, presidents, and country singers. Find the latest and greatest biographical films by opening your satellite TV guide.

Walk the Line: Johnny Cash was always in the public eye, for his music, for his prison sentence and for his drug use. This movie is a poignant take on Cash’s life, from his steamy love affairs to his stints at the joint; James Mangold’s photo is worth seeing. Also, the covers of Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon are very good, and are worth the price of admission on their own.

Erin Brockovich: Julia Roberts shines as the energetic and outspoken Brockovich, a simple assistant at a California law firm. She investigated the environmental misconduct of a power company and, in the end, won a $ 333 million class action settlement. This woman was truly remarkable, and Robert’s performance is endearing.

Ray: Before this movie, not many people knew that Jamie Foxx had the ability to act dramatically, much less.
the singing voice to carry out this role. But he won them all over with his great Oscar-winning performance. The performances in this movie are so great that you need to view them on a large flat screen HDTV to fully appreciate them.

The Last Emperor – The great film director Bernardo Bertolucci has created a hauntingly beautiful masterpiece with this film. The first film to be shot in Beijing’s Forbidden City, this film tells the story of Pu Yi, the boy emperor who ends up being a humble gardener. The stunning shots in this film demand high definition viewing.

La Vie en Rose: French actress Marion Cotillard is impressive in her portrayal of the most popular French singer of the 20th century, Edith Piaf. Piaf’s life was full of difficulties, but she triumphed gloriously. This film gracefully channels Piaf’s brilliant artistic talent.

Ed Wood: Johnny Depp has an uncanny ability to play strange characters and Ed Wood is no exception.
The failed transvestite director maintained an impossible optimism even as he struggled to find his place in Hollywood.

Milk: This movie recently won an Oscar from the inimitable Sean Penn. It truly is an endearing and heartfelt performance that transcends time and place. The film delivers a timely missive on the importance of communal ties. This Oscar-winning movie is sure to hit satellite TV movie channels very soon.

Monster: The beautiful Charlize Theron transforms into Aileen Wuornos, a prostitute who murdered seven men over 12 years. The actress is barely recognizable in the role: she gained weight and was given a serious makeover; Beyond that, he is easily able to convey the character’s sense of uprooting and rage.

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