The 10 best works of Anais Nin

Anais Nin, a controversial author of her day whose work was largely ignored at the time of publication, gained wide acceptance and recognition in the 1960s when she gained acceptance as one of the most prolific writers to have dared to venture forth. in the elusive genre of literature. female eroticism. Nin’s work primarily included her diaries that tell of a woman’s journey of self-discovery through the various stages of her life.

She wrote about her experiences of more than 30 years, from 1931 to 1974, in her memoirs that today serve as inspiration for women around the world trying to break with stereotypical gender roles and prejudices.

The artistic background of Nin’s parents and her eventual bohemian lifestyle gave her the conviction to touch on a side of female sensuality that was often considered off limits and even taboo. Through her works, she has explored various issues facing the women in her lives, including incest. Her literary journey began with the publication of ‘DH Lawrence: An Unprofessional Study’, which she remarkably wrote in just 16 days. The book was not officially published in the US, and as a result, she sent copies to Gotham Book Mart to be sold for a dollar a piece; she thus began her journey to literary stardom.

While Nin has several magazines and books to her credit, her most acclaimed and best-received books to date include:

DH Lawrence: an unprofessional study

This was Nin’s first published work, which probably whetted her appetite for the controversial books in which she found fame. The book was her tribute to her literary hero DH Lawrence. It was a study of some of the author’s popular works. By the time the book went into publication; most critics had avoided Lawrence’s work. Not only was it unusual for Nin to choose her work for her book, but it was also surprising that she was a woman who appreciated DH Lawrence’s writing, which was often laced with sexual content.


This was Nin’s last published novel, notable for her change from her usual style. This novel had none of the familiar characters Nin fans have come to expect. Also, as the name suggests, the book had almost two dozen major characters and there was quite a bit of geographical movement that was absent in her other work.

winter of artifice

This was Nin’s second published novel. Originally published in Paris, it offers a candid review of Nin’s incestuous relationship with her father.

under a glass bell

It is said to be one of the author’s best works; the book was the first of several to be printed at Nin’s own printing press. A collection of short stories dealing with various facets of life, from journaling to late-term abortions, etc.; many critics consider it his best work. Under a glass bell, Nin finally got the recognition she deserved.

incest house

This was Nin’s first fictional book. Although most readers expected to read a graphic depiction of Nin’s relationships with her lovers, this book revolved around the central character trying to escape from a dream state in which she finds herself trapped.

delta of venus

A book with a strong bent towards exploring sexuality and eroticism, it contains several short stories with some of the characters finding their way into more than one story. The book was written for a person identified simply as the “collector” for his private consumption.

little birds

Although the book was written in 1940 when the “Collector” commissioned him along with other writers, this work by Nin was published two years after his death. The book includes 13 short stories that explore various sexual themes, from lesbianism to pedophilia.

Inland Cities

This was a collection of 5 novels by Anais Nin; Stairs of Fire, The Four-Chambered Heart, Sons of the Albatross, Seduction of the Minotaur, and Spy in the House of Love. Of the 5 books in this series, The Four-Chambered Heart was autobiographical in nature, while The Spy in the House of love revolved around the journey of Sabina, who is considered an alter ego of the author.

Anais Nin’s diary

This is a published version of Nin’s private diary; the entries in the manuscript began when Nin was only 11 years old and she continued to write on it until her death. The diaries are available in seven volumes, while the redacted versions of the diaries contain more sexually graphic material than the original published manuscript.

Henry and June: from A Journal of Love: the unexpurgated diary of Anaïs Nin (1931-1932)

This is a book that was published in 1986 and is based on her unpublished diaries. It has some similarities with his published diaries, but also quite a few differences. It centers on his very passionate affair with Henry Miller and his wife June Miller.

Anais Nin was an interesting character. The above works highlight some interesting work from a great writer.

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