Stucco: for the protection of deteriorated masonry

Stucco can be a great way to protect damaged masonry. Old or poorly maintained masonry can be expensive to repair. A stucco application on deteriorated masonry might be the answer for small budgets, but still provide reasonable protection of damaged masonry from the elements.

What exactly is stucco? – Stucco is a mixture of cement and sand that is used as a cladding material in houses or businesses or as a decorative or waterproofing material to cover masonry walls.

As buildings begin to age, they begin to experience many different forms of deterioration, mainly due to water infiltration. Sometimes the cost of repairs can be very high.

When old and dilapidated masonry structures do not justify the investment in rebuilding or repair, then a stucco application may be the alternative. This will extend the life of the masonry by filling in the obviously damaged area and will also provide a smooth surface that is waterproof against rainwater.

Can be used where bricks are chipped or “ flaked ”. Stucco can be used as an intermediate repair application that will protect the old or deteriorated masonry surface from water ingress. It helps to strengthen the wall surface, which will slow down the chipping or flaking process of the brick masonry. Stucco can be used in many different ways and is truly a very versatile product.

Old chimneys and masonry walls are prime candidates for stucco. Old chimneys and masonry walls can be a real problem. If conditions are right, applying a stucco siding can extend the life of your fireplace or wall by closing deteriorated brick and mortar joints and providing a smooth surface for water to run off.

How is stucco siding applied? – For the simplest applications, stucco cement is mixed with water. A bonding agent is also added to ensure the best possible bond of the stucco to the masonry surface.

The masonry wall is moistened before stucco coating is applied to prevent the stucco from drying out quickly, which can weaken the stucco-to-masonry bond. This first application is called a ‘scratch coat’ and is used to fill in all the gaps and cracks and smooth out any inconsistencies in the wall. The scraping layer is allowed to dry overnight.

Then the second coat of stucco is applied – Sometimes a single coat is all that is requested and other times a second coat is applied to harden the wall surface and add some finished texture to the appearance of the masonry. Many different pigments can be added to stucco and many different textures can be applied.

Stucco can be used as an inexpensive and effective repair solution or if the budget allows for a highly decorative and artistic texture designed to enhance the beauty of any home. How you choose to use it is completely up to you and how much you want to spend.

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