Spotting the symptoms of thyroid problems is easy, if you know what to look for!

While having symptoms of thyroid problems is unfortunately quite common, the symptoms can go unnoticed for long periods of time. However, if one is aware of what is going on in their body, an overactive or underactive thyroid can be detected and therefore treated fairly quickly.

A gland located in the neck, it deals mainly with our metabolism. Therefore, having unexplained weight loss or gain may be a symptom of thyroid problems. An underactive thyroid can make it extremely difficult to lose weight and since the thyroid is not working the way it is supposed to, metabolism slows down and anyone affected inexplicably gains weight. Swelling or at least a bloated feeling could also be caused by an underactive thyroid. On the other hand, an overactive thyroid could make it very difficult to gain weight and could cause weight loss, even if you keep eating the exact same thing. Therefore, unexplained weight changes could mean that you might be experiencing a thyroid problem.

The thyroid also greatly affects our mood. Feeling moody or depressed could indicate that you have a thyroid problem. If you’re feeling nervous or feel like you’re no longer enjoying doing anything, this could be a strong indication. In fact, people who have these problems are very likely to experience depression to some degree, and the more severe the problems, the more severe the depression becomes.

Energy levels are also greatly affected by the thyroid, and in fact, a powerful indication of a real problem is feeling tired all the time for no particular reason. And it will most likely cause low energy levels even if one gets enough rest.

Other symptoms of thyroid problems include intestinal problems, muscle or joint pain, and unusual hair and skin changes, including but not limited to hair loss and dry, flaky skin. In addition to this, those who have a history of thyroid problems in their family are more likely to suffer from problems themselves. An enlarged or swollen thyroid is also a symptom of thyroid problems. The acorn swells and becomes visible just below the Adam’s apple. This in turn could lead to difficulty breathing and swallowing, as well as a change in voice.

An underactive thyroid could also affect concentration, making it difficult to concentrate and cause some confusion in the mind, which could also lead to memory problems.

A racing heart could indicate that the thyroid is overactive, and this leads to shaky hands and could even cause insomnia.

It has been proven that women are more prone to thyroid problems than men, and inconsistencies in the menstrual cycle could also be a symptom of thyroid problems. Also, the possibility of having thyroid problems increases with age.

Experiencing any of the above could mean you could have thyroid problems. Treatment of these symptoms is essential, and if one suspects that they might have an overactive or underactive thyroid, it is recommended to treat it as soon as possible.

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