Snoring and Sleep Apnea in Evidence-Based Dentistry

Did you know that 70% of North American adults have sleep disorders?

So what does that mean? Many people think that going to Starbucks or Duncan Donuts every day to drink caffeine is ‘normal’ and that ‘everyone does that’ because ‘I work too much’ and ‘I’m always tired’.

However, this is far from the truth.

Sleep disorders are becoming an epidemic, and fast. Sleep disorders are shortening lives – FACT. Sleep disorders are costing companies BILLIONS of dollars in decreased worker output – FACT. Sleep disorders are causing HUNDREDS of car accidents DAILY and costing corporations MILLIONS in legal fees.

Think about it: Have you ever seen a large semi rig swerve into your lane late at night? Or refill your 100 oz. Big Gulp filled with Mountain Dew to stay awake while driving long hours? Of course you have.

Schneider Trucking in Green Bay, WI is now conducting sleep studies on their semi truck drivers.

There are different sleep disorders ranging from sleep deprivation, snoring and sleep apnea.

Now, just to clarify, sleep deprivation is different than sleep apnea. If you are sleep deprived because you NEVER SLEEP, then try to get more sleep. However, if you sleep 10 hours a night and are STILL TIRED, you may have sleep apnea.

What the heck is sleep apnea? I’m glad you asked. Apnea means the cessation of breathing for 10 seconds or more. Each time this occurs, it is 1 event. People can range from less than 5 events per hour to more than 30! Can you imagine how if you stopped breathing 30 times an hour (or once every 2 minutes), how would that affect your health?

Fast facts:

* The space shuttle Challenger disaster was linked to a NASA employee with sleep apnea.

* Reggie White of the Green Bay Packers had obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which was linked to his death

* 65% of diabetics have sleep apnea, which is why there is also a strong correlation with heart disease.

* 84% of people who have suffered a nocturnal stroke have sleep apnea

* 70% of adults have Sleep Disorders

How do I know if I have sleep apnea?

-If you are overweight, have a large neck (men over 17 inches, women over 16 inches), or score high on the Epworth test*, you may have sleep apnea.

*(Search Epworth Test in your favorite search engine to take the exam!)

This will give you an idea if your sleepiness is abnormal.

Or call your doctor for a diagnosis through a formal sleep test at a clinic or hospital.

How is it treated?

1. Surgery (nose or throat) I sure wouldn’t want to have this done to me.

2. CPAP – this works for many, but the problem is tolerance. Many people will not want to use. Others will not comply because they wake up in the morning and the device has not been on for the duration of their sleep.

3. Dentistry: wear a sleep device!

Are you a dentist reading this? Do you want to make some money? Look at this: THIS IS A $24 BILLION MARKET!

Can you say OPPORTUNITY? Some dentists like Dr. Jim Beck of Pueblo, Colorado, and Dr. Brock Rondeau of London, ON, Canada, run courses for dentists tapping into this huge market because, honestly, most doctors (you know them as “Dr. “) they only offer the CPAP. option.

So why the hell are you tired? Maybe you’re tired, but you don’t have any of these symptoms. If you don’t have a sleep disorder, maybe your bunkmate does!

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