Reasons why you should not buy cheap outdoor furniture

In recent years, and with the economic crisis hitting the world, hotels, restaurants, resorts and others in the hospitality industry in the MENA region are trying to reduce expenses. As a result, many of these companies decide to set aside a small budget for furniture, forcing them to consider purchasing less expensive collections. But what’s going on under the noses of these businesses is that buying cheap luxury outdoor furniture will actually cost them more. Here are the reasons why cheap furniture costs you more:

waste of time and effort

The process of buying new outdoor furniture for your hotel, restaurant, beach or other catering services is long and requires a detailed study before making the purchase. Every outdoor living collection should match the decor and mood of the space. Therefore, the effort and time it will take to cover your outdoor spaces should not be wasted by relying on cheap furniture. After all, outdoor furniture needs to be of high quality to withstand weather changes, and cheap furniture usually means low quality that most likely won’t withstand rain, UV rays, and dust for long. When the slightest damage appears, you will have to redo the entire purchase process. On the other hand, you will not have to worry about this with high-quality garden furniture due to its high resistance to climatic changes.

Negative image for the business.

Cheap furniture feels different than high-quality furniture. The most important thing for the guests of your hotel, restaurant or other hospitality services is the comfort that the furniture offers them while they have lunch in your dining set, relax in your sun lounger or tan on your chaise longue. If the outdoor living suite, for example, did not provide them with the expected experience, it will discourage them from returning and enjoying a satisfying experience at your hotel.

However, if the feeling that the outdoor furniture projects is the most important aspect, this does not detract from the looks. A faded, rusty or deteriorated piece of furniture deprives the visitor of living the expected experience of relaxation and comfort. Therefore, bad feelings and appearance create a negative image of your business, discouraging visitors from returning.

more complicated maintenance

When outdoor furniture is not made with the right materials, its maintenance will be very complicated. Outdoor use exposes them to staining dust, weakening sun, and other issues that can breed bacteria. To avoid all these problems, a complex maintenance procedure is regularly required. All the outdoor furniture in your restaurant and hotel must remain clean, non-toxic and free of bacteria, in order to offer your visitors a satisfactory experience. However, good quality patio furniture frees you and your staff from the back-breaking effort of keeping each and every piece of furniture clean and free of bacteria with only the right materials.

In conclusion, outdoor furniture made with materials such as Sunbrella, Viro or Batyline that resist UV rays, survive rain and maintain their original shapes, offer a pleasant experience for guests. Hotels and restaurants that use high-quality outdoor furniture have a better chance of attracting new and returning visitors. High-quality outdoor furniture may cost more, but it definitely has a better return on investment.

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